The Only Polls That Really Matter
UPDATE 11/16/04: See review of Neil Young's "Greatest Hits".
It's the day after and everybody has an opinion. So what about those Neil fans?

So what do you think about the Greatest Hits package?
Not too surprisingly, it appears that many really don't have very strong feelings about the package.
- 47%: "Not sure. Still waiting for the Archives Box Set."
- 33%: "So what. I've already got "Decade" and all the other albums."
- 20%: "Great! I really need those hits."
So our prediction here at Thrasher's Wheat Election Headquarters is that the Greatest Hits Package won't be a big seller... among hard core fans. But Thrasher bets this album will wind up being a big seller setting the stage for the relase of the Archives Box Set in 2008.
Can't get enough of those polls? Well, here are a few more non-political polls for folks on the right, middle and left.
To vote, go to Neil Young Polls page. So make a difference... about something that doesn't really matter.