American Stars-n-Bars Shines in Spain

Here's something for Spanish Neil Young fans.
Over in Madrid, Spain, a fansite called PepSounds, run by a fellow who goes by Pepe, really digs Neil's American Stars-n-Bars.
While Thrasher doesn't speak Spanish too well, here's the rough English translation (performed by Google) which I find quite amusing:
"I believe that American Stars-n-Bars is his definitive disc, where we can see Neil Young in pure state. Without condimentos. A disc where, still touching all woods, it maintains a homogeneity perfect. And he is more amazing seeing than the songs belong to different sessions between 1974 and 1977. From country purer rock, wrapped by wonderful the second voices of Pretty Ronstadt , to the guitarrera ferocity with Crazy Horse . Perhaps it does not have the emblematic subjects of other discs, but the songs have an unbeatable mean level."
I'm sure that doesn't do justice to what Pepe was trying to convey, but it still conveys some of the passion.
And here's an American fan's (who writes in English) perspective of the album American Stars and Bars.