Broken Arrow Magazine - February 2005 (#97)

Broken Arrow Magazine's February 2005 (#97) issue just came out and it's another splendid issue. As usual, the Neil Young Appreciation Society magazine has lots of innaresting articles, including an awesome cover photo.
The cover photo is by Michael Dworschak from Nuremberg, Germany, May 19, 2002.
The issue includes Road Reports from benefits for Clean Air, Adopt A Minefield, Farm Aid, and Vote For Change.
Fun articles like Kevin Derbyshire's (NYAS#5958) "Spotted! My Trip With Neil", "Ordinary People" by Adrian Giles (NYAS#644), an interview with Rust Radio's Roel by Susan King (NYAS#5736), and in depth analysis of Neil's Family Tree by Fabio Gradel (NYAS#5660). All very cool.
Lot's of great reaction for the last issues' Time Fades Away Retrospective by Pete Long.
Also, a nice rundown of released songs not yet performed in public "Do I have to Come Right Out and Say it?" by NYAS editor, publisher, membership manager, (not to mention 100th issue anniversary maestro/Neil's 60th birthday party booster) Scott Sandie.
And congratulations on the newborn twins, Scott!! No need to apologize for getting an issue out a few days late, pal. ;)
Lastly, if you can help out with the 100th issue anniversary / Neil's 60th birthday party convention, contact Paul Docker:
member AT
Thrasher - NYAS#2476