Live 8 Video of Neil Young Now Available

Neil Young on Live8 video is now available for streaming on that much maligned AOL network. However, let it be said that AOL has redeemed itself in the face of the massive failure of MTV's totally pathetically lame Live8 coverage last weekend. Just another reason to kill your television.
Neil's entire setlist including the new song "When God Made Me" is hosted along with all of the other performances like Pink Floyd's sublimely blissfully beautiful 20 minute set.
Thrasher has been struck by the lack of discussion and coverage of Neil's new song "When God Made Me" (lyrics). As far as Thrasher is aware, no other artist trotted out a brand new song for the day. Not only that, many artists did not seem to attempt to tailor their setlists to the day's message. As usual, Neil not only rose to the challenge but demonstrated how to deliver the right message at the right moment, similar to his performance of John Lennon's "Imagine" days after 9/11.
In light of yesterday's tragedies in London, Thrasher can draw on Neil's performances for strength in these disturbed and disturbing times.
NPR's Scott Simon on Weekend Edition played a clip of "When God Made Me" in the context of the London's bombings.
More on the Live8 concert finale by Neil Young performing "Rockin' in the Free World and the Live8 concert highlights.
Thanks Ron "Sailor's Refuge" for the tip!
Also, the Martin guitar discussion forum is in an uproar over Neil playing a Taylor guitar rather than his normal Martin D-45 acoustic. (Thanks for the tip Lionel Louie!)
Lastly, what happened to Crosby, Still & Nash at Live 8?
Undercover reports that CSN had "logistical problems". CSN were scheduled to play in Berlin but canceled. "After working many hours to try and support Live8 and David Crosby even helping to secure a plane as CSN was prepared to do the show, the band was not able to get a workable slot in the Berlin performance sequence that would have put them back in Bonn to perform a tour date that was previously routed prior to any announcement of the Live 8 event," Gerry Tolman, manager of Crosby, Stills & Nash said today. "They are extremely sad that they could not be a part of this historic event."