Mojo/Q Classic Special All Neil Young Issue

It's been a couple of weeks since receiving the Mojo/Q Classic Special All Neil Young Issue. And what a treat!
Titled as "NEIL YOUNG: THE AMAZING JOURNEY - From Folk Hero to Rocker From Hell!", the 140+ page issue is a joint effort between Q and Mojo magazine. Lots of innaresting stuff.
It looks like Joel Bernstein cooperated with the effort as evidenced by the quantity of photos, including some that have not been published before. This was the first time that Thrasher has seen a picture of Neil's first wife Susan Acevedo.

While we've read much of this before, this is really the most complete and comprehensive - yet concise - look at Neil's career, outside of Jimmy McDonough's Neil Young biography "Shakey".
While the cover hype's in tabloid-style fashion screaming headlines like "Cocaine, Chicks, & Chaos" and "Crazy Tales", the contents are actually well researched and edited. So credit to the good folks at Mojo/Q.
A few items of interest include:
- every Neil Young album reviewed;
- a profile of Neil's manager Elliot Roberts;
- The Stills-Young "Eat A Peach" saga;
- a profile of Neil's producer the late David Briggs; and
- memories of Neil in Canada by Randy Bachman.
With very minimal advertising, the issue is labeled as the "ultimate collectors edition". And it lives up to the billing. Nice job Mojo/Q!