FARM AID 2005 Concert Review

A great review of the 20th anniversary Farm Aid concert outside Chicago, IL by Dave Eelman. Here's a link for his account of a great day of music -- Drive Like Hell: FARM AID '05. Here's Dave's take on "Southern Man":
“Old Black” was unleashed on the next number, a scorching rendition of Southern Man. The crowd was able to “name that tune” after the first few notes, and most were on their feet jumping with hands in the air in response. Neil was in good voice and his guitar roared and howled while he snarled into the microphone. The full complement of singers and musicians on stage joined in the fun. The two huge chords that punctuate the phrases between chorus and verse were positively explosive. They could have played those two chords over and over for a half-hour and I would have grinned the whole time. This performance, and in particular Neil’s explosive attacks with the whammy bar on the solos, appeared to make converts of some of the young Widespread Panic and DMB fans. I noticed they were doing that Jam Band dance and reveling in the nine minutes of monstrous walls of sound."
More of Farm Aid 2005 Concert Review.
And what was it like onstage for horn player Wayne Jackson? Wayne recounts the experience of performing "Southern Man" with Neil:
"What got me about being on stage with Neil is his eyes," said Wayne. "During the music, he is transported to another place from which he acquires his energy. His eyes kind of glaze over as he rocks, plays his guitar with wild abandon and does his dance. It's easy to be taken away to that same place while you're close to him. During "Southern Man," we went far away."
As for placing "Southern Man" in the setlist? Maybe with all the outrage over the recent revival of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" and Neil covering "Sweet Home Alabama" with the house band at Tootsie's in Nashville in June.
Also, see photos from Farm Aid .