Neil Performs 'Far From Home' on Conan O'Brien Show
*********UPDATE 1/23/10:********** Neil Young pays tribute to L.A. on final Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien with "Long May You Run".
UPDATE 1/21/10: Neil Young News: Conan O'Brien's Final Musical Guest: Neil Young

Last night, Neil performed 'Far From Home' from "Prairie Wind" on Conan O'Brien Late Night show.
Neil Young will be appearing all this week (November 1-4) on the program.
We'll cut Neil some slack, as he seemed a bit jet lagged. After performing and hosting this weekend's 19th Annual Bridge School Benefit Concerts and flying across the U.S. from California to New York City, it is understandable.
Here's a recap of the week of Neil Young on Conan O'Brien:
- November 1 - "Far From Home",
- November 2 - "The Painter",
- November 3 - "This Old Guitar" and "The Needle and the Damage Done" and
- November 4 - "No Wonder" & "When God Made Me".