2005: Year of The Neil

Salute to Brian Wilson - February 2005
Photo by Frank Micelotta, Getty Images
And so here we are in the years.
After last year's round up for the 2004 Neil Year in Review, it seems hard to believe that 2005 can even top that one.
There were some definite highs and frightening lows. Most importantly, Neil is still here and making music. During 2005, Neil had quite a few miraculously magically memorable moments, not the least of which was suffering a brain aneurysm and undergoing successful surgery. And, sadly, Neil's father - Scott Young - passed away this year.
So what makes 2005 even more remarkable is how many of these highlights occurred after Neil's brain surgery. Add to all of this, Neil celebrated his 60th birthday.
So here's a look back at 2005 -- what we're calling here at Thrasher's Wheat: "The Year of The Neil".

The Pretenders Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

ASCAP Bestows Highest Honors to Neil Young

Concluding the worldwide simulcast of
Live 8 Benefit Concert, Barrie, Canada - July 2005

A "Prairie Wind" Breezes into Nashville

Telethons to Benefit Hurricane Katrina Victims
"Shelter From the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast" and
MTV's React Now

A Very Long "Southern Man" at Farm Aid

Neil at Bridge School Benefit Concert October 29, 2005
photo by Tim Mosenfelder - Getty Images

The Long Awaited Legendary Neil Young Archives: An Official Website

"The Resurrection of Neil Young": TIME Magazine Interview

Musical Guest for week on the Conan O'Brien TV Show

"There is another 'Hurricane' in me" -
Neil on Harp Magazine Cover

Release "Time Fades Away" Petition Passes 5,000 Signatures

2 Grammy Nominations for Neil Young

Neil Young on Saturday Night Live
For more on Neil Young in 2005, see Neil Young Page of the Moment and Photo Of The Moment: Neil Young Pictures.
The there was 2004. See, The Good, Bad & Ugly 2004 Neil Year in Review.