Comments on Prairie Wind

Many viewers found Neil Young's performance of "It's A Dream" on Saturday Night Live last year to be a dream come true. Likewise, the review of "Prairie Wind": A Gentle Breeze Deceptively Lulls The Howls Of Loss prompted 'ms goldthwaite' to comment:
"The case of Neil Young's Prairie Wind was signed, sealed, and delivered for me overlooking the Gulf of Mexico on the beach with my Sony walkman. The song that did it??? It's a Dream.
I haven't heard the accolades for this song as I have for others on the album, and i can't figure out why.This song truly lifts the spirits beyond the physical realm with sadness but with a sense of resolution and acceptance. It makes one wonder whether heaven is an aggregate of all the good memories, the ones that are important.
It is a song about growing old. It is unbelievable."
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