Top 10's: Neil and Bob

UPDATED: @ 11:52AM
A year ago, the Neil news reports were no laughing matter and a none too funny joke.
So a year later, we can be much more light-hearted and kick off April.
Last January, we posted the Top 10 Reasons Why Neil Young is Better Than Bob Dylan which caused quite an uproar.
Judging from the huge number of comments, it seemed like Dylan fans lacked a certain sense of humor and took things much too seriously?
So in the spirit of the day, by popular demand, once again Eight Track Mind's listing by The Jaded Bitterman:
Top 10 Reasons Why Neil Young is Better Than Bob Dylan
1. Better Voice
2. Better Guitar Player
3. Better Good-to-Bad Song Ratio
4. Neil Never Sold His Music To a Commercial
5. Neil Embraces the Younger Generation of Musicians
6. No One Plays Neil Songs Better Than Neil
7. Farm Aid & The Bridge School Benefit Concerts
8. Neil Is More Diverse
9. Neil Never Played With The Dead
10. Because I Like to Piss People Off
Eight Track Mind deconstructs each argument point by point. To say some of the reasoning is provocative would be an understatement.
And Dylan fan Mikey spoofs back in the comment thread:
Top Ten Reasons Why Bob Dylan is Better Than Neil Young
1. Neil's tendency to make one-off right wing political statements (e.g. Let's Roll)
2. Everybody's Rockin'
3. Neil does not regularly tour with The Horse, his best band and he obviously knows this fact.
4. Neil Stopped selling "Greendale High" t-shirts on-line
5. Bob's influence allowed the Beatles to write and record Rubber Soul
6. Bob is an American and Neil is Canadian
7. If there is another CSNY reunion and I have to see Graham Nash on stage, I may off myself
8. More jawas on stage would have made Live Rust a better video
9. Neil has never been called Judas.
10. Neil hasn't invited me to the Broken Arrow yet.
For more reaction, see Top 10 Reasons Not to Goof With Bob Dylan Fans and comments on blasphemy. Also, here's the happy ending.
Happy April!
ps - and if you hurry, check out this MEGA-SUPER-BIGFOOT-RARE 1972 Neil Young Harvest PROMO LP on eBay with the hit single "Horse With No Name".