Will Neil Young's "Living With War" be Rock's "Fahrenheit 9/11"?
New York Times: On His New Album, Neil Young Calls for Bush's Impeachment

CNN.com - Neil Young: 'Let's Impeach the President' (see video clip on protest music, Mansion On The Hill: CNN Transcript on protest music)
Daily Kos: Will Neil Young's "Living With War" be Rock's "Farenheit 9/11"?
"The definitive Neil Young site Thrasher's Wheat has done the hard work of assembling reaction from musical and political bloggers. Some of the reactions gathered on the normally apolitical Thrasher's Wheat show Bush's zombies in early meltdown."
reality-based educator: Neil Young's "America the Beautiful" Album
Come Share My Obsessions!: Neil Young Vs. George W. Bush -- Battle Of The Century!
The World Wide Glen: Welcome to My Thoughtmare
Pearl Jam Message Pit: Neil Young: "Impeach The President"
Biggfish Rants: 'Hey hey, screw Bush'
Beep! Beep! It's Me. Neil Young urges Bush impeachment on protest album
Thoughtful Preparations: Media Spin Blog » Neil Young’s Bush Buster
Daily Kos: Neil Young: Principled musician or Weather Vane?
American Flag Blog » Canadian Neil Young Once Again Wraps himself In The American Flag:
"Young was wrong once before, condemning “Southern Man” 26 years ago. After learning that his album sales weren’t going well in half the country, he apologized and wrote a song about Alabama. Instead of trashing Bush, perhaps Young should sing a song berating Canada for embracing the destructive force of Islam by exporting terrorists to the U.S."
PolitaKid: Neil Young Song: "Impeach the President":
"As you may know, I'm a Neil Young fan . I'm disapointed to see him take such radical, hateful views. I won't treat him like many treated the Dixie Chicks and never listen to him again, but I'm certainly not going to run out and buy Living With War, either. "
Sploid: 'Hey hey, screw Bush'
The Catskill Chronicle: NEIL YOUNG'S ALBUM: CANADIAN IDIOT (view with caution)
Mark Maynard - neil young: i've seen the bush presidency and the damage done
Hammer of Truth » Neil Young Jumping on the Impeachment Train comment by Taylor:
"How should I put this? How but, Fuck Neil Young.
He nothing but another commi, liberal, anti-american, hippie. If he hates the way George Bush runs America, then he can just take his whining ass back to Canada. We sure as hell don’t need him here, complaining about how bad things are. He talks like he would make a better president than George Bush. If someone like Neil Young was our president, then every terrorist in the world could walk all over us and he wouldn’t do a damn thing. His little anti-war ass."
The Galloping Beaver: Thirty Six Years On
Touch That Dial - "George Bush Doesn't Care About Hip People" » New Neil Young Project Coming Soon!?
The needle and the damage done | MetaFilter lots o comments
Musicisnotdead: New Neil Young Album
Leaky Sparrow: Neil Young ready for war
Politics - DNC RNC - No Bull » Neil Young Records “Impeach the President” Song:
"So, Canada, mind your own business, we have yet to attack you, and while Alberta has some oil, we prefer to be at peace with you and like what you offer.
Neil Young, I wish you would jsut bother with singing, forget about America, even though it is America that keeps you safe and prosperous.
With that prosperity maybe you should be a better neighbor, instead of siding with our enemies."
Canadian Latitude: Neil Young jumping on the impeachment train.
flyoverguy: Young is Old - Rust should Sleep
HERE COMES THE FLOOD: Neil Young - new album Life With War
chris uggen's weblog: metal folk protest?
Sweet Static: three groups of Neil Young fans
Go Bluebirds!: War Bad! Make Neil Young Cry.
A weak experiment of expression: Big Neil Young News
Democracy for New Mexico: Neil Young Records Anti-Iraq War Album
Blogs for Bush: The White House Of The Blogosphere: From "Let's Roll," to "Let's Roll Over."
blog'n at san onofre
big bloo sky: Living with War
Blogmeister USA: Neil Young Produces Anti-Bush Album
Caffeinated Gonzo!: Neil Young on Bush ~ Redux
The Amboy Times: Neil Young’s New CD
Public Figures... Beware: The Worst Named Blog on the Web: Neil Young Records Protest Album
Environmental Republican: Neil Young Redux
Neil Young Attacks President Bush in New Album - Starpulse News Blog
paved.ca :: your GTA roadmap: Neil Young doesn't need him around anyhow:
"Now, with 10 new protest ditties recorded in 72 hours, it'd seem like former Ronald Reagan booster Young has marked which side of the political fence he'd prefer to be buried on – seeds planted back at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2003, during a press conference for the multi-media project Greendale, where he expressed appreciation for Canada standing apart from the foreign policies of our neighbour. It's no wonder that Young tried to keep his three-day outburst of sedition a secret, yet by having weblogs squeal on his behalf, anyone who'd be potentially interested in hearing a song called "Impeach the President" will be worn out by the surrounding rhetoric before it's even released.
Neil's statements are limited to glib scrolling at the bottom of his website – underscoring the notion that, since protest songs will never have Nixon-era potency in this information age, Young might as well bask in his complex contrarian legacy by bashing out a few oversimplified partisan anthems that vindicate his radical past."
projo.com | Subterranean Homepage News: Neil Young CD to protest war, urge impeachment
Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands: Neil Young: New Protest Album Out Soon!
Neil Young - Impeach the President » Outside The Beltway
Spark It Up!!!: Protest Album by Canadian Neil Young
Phil Ochs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Phil Ochs hanged himself in 1976 after a long stretch of erratic behavior. After his death, it was revealed that the FBI had a 410-page file on Ochs.
Moonbattery: Neil Young Reverts to Moonbattery
What Now?: Who the F--- is Neil Young?
FOX News crawl: Neil Young Records Album That Attacks America