Sunday, May 14, 2006

TV Spot for Living With War


News of a TV spot for the album "Living With War" is up on Neil's blog.

Called "YOU BE THE DECIDER", the video can downloaded HERE. 'Right click' and choose "Save link as" to download the clip.

Also, see reviews of "Living with War".

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At 5/14/2006 08:32:00 PM, Anonymous Shirley Bear said...

I'm a 1st Nation woman, will be 70 this month, I just want to say "thank you" for this brave voice.
I received this album for mothers day, from a caring partner,
Shirley Bear

At 5/15/2006 07:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A brilliant album.Dropped through my letterbox this morning.
Neil is best when angry !

At 5/15/2006 08:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! Commercials? Does the CD need commercials?

Is this first time he's advertised a CD on TV?

He's really trying to sell this CD isn't he. He usually lets the music sell itself.


At 5/15/2006 12:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Hank to Marxist.

At 5/15/2006 12:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With any luck more artists will speak out against the madness.Good to see Neil venting his anger,but if you want to get deeper,like how the First Americans have been shat upon for years,listen to John Trudell.
Good on you Neil for speaking your mind in the land of the free ????.The final track sums it up,a beautiful country run by scum !
Jim McAllister

At 5/15/2006 05:08:00 PM, Anonymous MartinLav said...

Keep on Rockin in the FREE World and keeping it real. Gotta get the word out there and take our country and values back. Make commercials, sell T-Shirts, Blog this to no end and take to the streets. Gotta burn this Bush!

At 5/15/2006 05:12:00 PM, Blogger Chicago said...

To the uniformed: all of Neil's last 4 albums have had commerical advertising.

I wish I could see this download--not Mac compatible.

At 5/16/2006 06:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have also read some very disturbing articles on the plight of the Native Americans. Their reservations appear to be rife with broken families, poor education, high unemployment and drug and alcohol abuse. The US Government should be doing a lot more to help these people. It is their country – they were there first! Also the New Orleans fiasco did not look good – the impression I got, rightly or wrongly, are that these people are black, these people are poor – f*ck ‘em! The Native Americans and the African Americans should be dealt a much fairer hand by those in power!

At 5/16/2006 11:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Last ANON poster-

I'm trying to be kind here....You are so out of touch with the truth, you need to have a labotomy.

How did you EVER figure out how to turn a computer on? Who typed the words for you? Oh my god!

Just a couple of facts for you. Katrina: (that's the Hurricane that hit N.O. (That's "New Orleans"))

The Levees have long been a cash cow for parish politicians that should have provided a coordinated, consistant levee that actually would work. They hired their own buddies as contractors, and used the Corp of Engineers as their scape goat AS WELL AS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

They misappropriated funds (stole the money) and never repaired or maintained the levees.

The Levees breaking are the fault of the LOCAL Government! Not the Federal Governement-Perhaps Neil Young should have researched that before "writting" his last trash album.

The New Orleans "Poor" which, by the way, is the vast majority of its citizens, live behind these levees. and with a 66% African American Population OF COURSE they were the ones effected!

Have you ever stopped to think that not everything is George Bush's fault? You guys blame EVERYTHING on him, you have lost your minds!


At 5/16/2006 01:53:00 PM, Anonymous MartinLav said...

Sam Iam,
The levee's reference is a metaphor for the priorities of your beloved Bush. He was lost in the haze of his righteousness to protect his country from harm and ended up harming it more. We could have changed our minds, but we were hell bent and now it's too late. Your Bush is nothing more than a liberal in wolf's clothing. He's slow to protect our borders. He spends money like a Democrat.
The only thing that makes him a conservative is his refusal to federalize same sex unions. Other than that, he's a lib that took us to war and screwed this country good.

At 5/17/2006 04:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The levee giving way I don’t directly blame on the Bush Government. The subsequent seemingly incompetent, uncaring and bodged rescue and salvaging attempts I do. It was a major disaster everyway you look at it.

At 5/17/2006 05:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant botched not bodged!

At 5/22/2006 03:10:00 PM, Anonymous sihanouk said...

"Living with War" is already in the shops in Brazil. Neil - the last punk?

At 5/30/2006 11:13:00 PM, Anonymous KenV said...

Hi Folks,

I might be the last person around to back-up certain of the President's actions and decisions, but (1) he doesn't control the weather, (2) wasn't born when the Army Corp began screwing with the Mississippi River, and (3) certainly had nothing to do with levee design and maintenance. The harsh reality is economics do play a major role in safety decisions which affect each of our lives.

Iraq on the other hand lies half in his hands and half with his daddy!

As for FEMA,having worked with those folks previously (commercial nuclear power safety) I think we all being too harsh - they are just folks trying to do their job same as us. Bush inheritted FEMA so you cannot blame him (or the next pres) for the relative success or failure of a governmental agency.

Most importantly, the music is great. One man's opinion which is fine.

Peace to all,



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