Contest: Win "Heart of Gold" DVD

Here's a chance to win a DVD copy of the film "Heart of Gold". The good folks over at Paramount Entertainment have made a copy of the special collectors edition available to Thrasher's Wheat to give away in a contest.
The 2 disc DVD contains 2 bonus tracks -- "He Was the King" which was cut from the original film and "The Needle and The Damage Done" from The Johnny Cash show in 1971. Also, numerous other DVD extras including "Rehearsal Diaries" narrated by Director Jonthan Demme and 6 other "Making Of" featurettes.
The rules for the contest are simple. Send in a Neil story for posting on Thrasher's Wheat. We'll see what comes in and pick a winner of "Heart of Gold"
Maybe a Neil Young concert memory? Or a favorite Neil song story? A Neil photo story?
E-mail your Neil Young posting to thrasher ATSIGN thrasherswheat DOT orgLast time, there were lots of really excellent entries that we weren't able to recognize. So if you submitted something last time, please re-submit your entry again!
Here are posts on previous winners of contests of Greendale Songbook and Made in Manitoba book.
Contest submissions due by June 18.
And here are two reasons why "Heart of Gold" is one of the greatest concert films -- ever -- here and here.
The DVD goes on sale on June 13 and you can pre-order a copy now on