Thursday, July 06, 2006

Wanted: Memories for Tour

GlobeTV will be filming a documentary about "Living with War" and the upcoming CSN&Y tour. And they need your help.

What they are looking for:
"People with stories or pictures of being at Woodstock or another concert tour with CSN&Y music that influenced their lives and is now influencing their children's or friends' lives because of similar hopes and fears about the war and the state of the country and the planet.

Ideally we would try to visualize their earlier experiences with the music, their lives today and catching-up with the group and music on this summer's tour. Having a relative or friend involved in the Iraq war, for or against or having served or about to serve would be most helpful. We would also be interested in much younger fans inspired by the music and the message more so than they would be by the younger and
more contemporary music groups.

We can include those ranting against W and the war. But the richness and humanness of their perspective and story (i.e. Viet vet, parent of an Iraq war vet etc) would make their outrage more effective."

If you fall into any of these catagories.. or would just like for your voice to be heard.. Please contact RustedSister.

Please email all inquiries and any stories you have to share to:

Those of you that submit your stories and or voices will most likely be interviewed at the show you are attending. If you are not attending any shows this tour.. Other arrangements will be made.

Thank You


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At 7/06/2006 02:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fishing for News Stories eh???

Sounds like your making the news rather than reporting it!

At 7/06/2006 02:29:00 PM, Blogger Lazerlou said...

Sounds like you're Chili because you don't know the difference between "your" and "you are/ you're"

Why don't you leave this blog Chili? Nobody likes you, you contribute nothing, and you bad mouth Neil and post off-topic comments. Go over to Fox news. It will be good for your damaged psyche.

At 7/06/2006 03:34:00 PM, Blogger t.ogle said...

Grasping for straws are eh? Living With War ain't all its cracked up to be now is it Neil? ComradeLazer,don't you have an ambulance to chase?

At 7/06/2006 05:06:00 PM, Blogger Lazerlou said...

T.Ogle makes an appearance to defend Chili when he is called out! Imagine that? Do you think you are clever T.Ogle/Chili? Or funny? Or witty? You are nothing but an incredible loser.

read the post again, if you can read, and then ask again whether they are searching for a news story or grasping at straws.

Idiots. Just go away. You are not wanted here. Stop being so pathetic.

At 7/07/2006 10:05:00 AM, Blogger Cold Bowl of Chili said...

Hey Ogle!
Nice to hear( or is it "here") from you again!

I got this little ditty from Neal Boortz (Neal not Neil") I bin workin' on my spellin just for your ambulance chaser:

This is priceless. Delaware Senator Joe Biden, who, it appears, is running for president, appeared on C-Span's 'Road to the White House' program. This is where a camera follows around a potential candidate while he grips and grins with supporters at one event or another. They've done it for years and it gives you an idea of what the lengthy process of becoming president is like.

Drudge posted the video, and it shows the good Senator speaking to a supporter...evidently a man of Indian origin. Indian, as in...from India. Biden is shaking hands with the man, who tells him that there is more support to come from the Indian community. Then, the Senator actually said this:

"In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

Oh yeah ... that worked.

There's always a problem when those darned cameras follow you around, isn't it? Now, let's see how much you read about this in the mainstream media. Except for Drudge, it isn't getting much play. This is because Biden is a Democrat and because the media favors Democrats, they'll let this one slide. Sort of like the time The West Virginia Grand Wizard used the N word on national television. A complete pass from the press. Imagine if Bill Frist or George W. Bush had made these comments. The firestorm would just be getting underway.

By the way, the Indian community was none too pleased with Biden's comments. The chairman of the Indian American Republican Council, himself a surgeon, responded with this statement: "It's amazing to know we don't all work at Dunkin Donuts or the local 7/11. The contributions to America by Indian Americans in the fields of medicine, education, science, and business have been well-documented."

Let's see if Biden is made to attend sensitivity training. I doubt it. But he won't show his face around his neighborhood 7/11 anytime soon.


Got get em Christain!

At 7/07/2006 10:08:00 AM, Blogger Cold Bowl of Chili said...

Hey Ogle....
Do you recall when we googled that ass clow LazeyLou and we found ALL those BILLIONS, and I mean BILLIONS of typos and stuff he had!!?? Rember that?

Don't you just LOVE it when he throws, or tries to throw, attention at spelling or grammer on a freakin bulletin board, rather than the substance of the post itself!!!

And he call US the loser! heheheh

I may just have to go out and dig more up on our Lawyer friend. Find me some mispellins' and such!

And "We're" the losers!

At 7/07/2006 10:13:00 AM, Blogger Cold Bowl of Chili said...


In order of Smartness according to Lou:

1. Lou (College Degree)
2. Bill Gates (Some College)
3. Chili (High School Diploma)
4. Neil Young (High School Drop Out)

that sure BIT you in the ass didn't LoserLou?

At 7/07/2006 11:20:00 AM, Blogger Cold Bowl of Chili said...


Chili is gonna give him some!

Try these free words David.

1. Your a washed up "has-been" or even, "barely-ever-was". If it Wasn't for Neil Young Bailing your stinky ass out every few years you'd be broke!!!

2. The LIVER you got, should have went to someone MORE deserving. One who didin't deliberatly, of thier OWN FREE CHOICE, abuse their bodies with Drugs and Alcohol. You should have accepted the consiquenses and went down like a MAN!

3. Your a pathetic Criminal-
Your coke use and GUNS that you Liberals HATE so much-what a FINE example of an American YOU make "Mr. Free Speech". EVEN, I see EVEN having the nerve to compare your pathetic career to John Lennons when they busted you with a Gun in your car all strung out. John Lennon-YOU WISH!

4. Your pathetic SPERM, inside a lezbo providing a LOSER, ugly baby that we Americans will eventually have to spoort one way or another. Why Etheridge thought of you as a viable Sperm Doner, I'll never know.....Perhaps Michael Jackson charged too much! oH-DO YOU EVER visit THAT KID???? JUST ASKIN' FREE SPEECH YOU KNOW.

5. perhaps if you'd like to protest the war-TRY A HUNGAR STRIKE YOU BLOATED, OLD PATHETIC "ROCK STAR".

heheheh-FREE SPEECH BABY-you gotta love it!

Tomorrow, Stephan Stills.


At 7/07/2006 02:54:00 PM, Blogger Lazerlou said...

And then Chili, after being called out again starts posting like the insane imbecile he is. Nobody reads yor posts Chili. Nobody.
Chili, you are a sad cowardly little man. I feel sorry for you.

At 7/07/2006 09:28:00 PM, Blogger t.ogle said...

Chili, Great to hear (here) from you as well. I too saw the Biden piece and thought it amazing. These guys are the best thing that can happen for the Republican party. ComradeLazer, I stand by my earlier comments. This is nothing more than a fishing expedition, looking for a story that does not exist. But then again you know about fishing because you are a great fish. You take the bait everytime its cast out and you run with it.By the way, I'm not defending Chili, I'm agreeing with him. Big difference! Chili, after all the weeks of posting on this blog and the countless times you and I have told ComradeLazer that we are not the same person, he stll thinks we are. Just look and his second posting. Maybe you and I should go to Chicago and take the good Comrade to lunch. He says he has lots of free time at work. I think he could take an extended lunch. What do you think?

At 7/07/2006 09:34:00 PM, Blogger t.ogle said...

Chili, On your, ( or is it you're),Crosby comments, I like to add one if I may. Remember he was tossed from the Byrds because of his ego and the fact that he did not get along with any of them. Just wanted to pass that on. Thanks. Ogle.

At 7/10/2006 07:57:00 AM, Blogger Cold Bowl of Chili said...

How about this GEM from one of the Reviews of the latest Commie tour...

As someone who worked his way through grad school as a proofreader, I must point out that when they flashed the words to "Let's Impeach the President" on the video screens they forgot to do a grammar check, using "there" instead of "their." Twice. (ouch)




At 7/11/2006 07:58:00 PM, Anonymous MartinLav said...

Hey Cold Bowel.
I saw that mention of the incorrect grammer at Neils show and I wondered if Neil saw your (you're?)posts and is giving you have wink/nod/insult? Pretty funny....!
I agree with your comments on Crosby mostly, but is the West Virginia Wizard a liberal?


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