Cover Art for Raw - Living With War

Here's the cover art for Living With War - Raw.
Not sure exactly what we have here? An impression of war perhaps?
The CD is available as a pre-order on
Thanks to cosplusisin on Rust for the tip!
A news blog for Neil Young fans from Thrasher's Wheat with concert and album updates, reviews, analysis, and other Rock & Roll ramblings. Separating the wheat from the chaff since 1996.
Anyone would know at first glance: ships at sea.
I love one part of a song where Mr. Young sings about a captain and looking to the shore, being reminded to believe in 'becoming' and the 'master and commander' of your own ship is not a bad thing.
I thought of my late Dad who was a boat builder in pleasure while contemplating as a mechanical engineer. Our youth vacations [for me in the 5 of 6 kids generation] was to go on the Ohio river for 'quality time.'
War alone, the word, did not take away from the raw beauty of what this writer first saw on this page.
I was 'censored' by whoever. I want to know feedback. This request is the foundation of NY music.
Blog owner approval is exactly what SoulShine in Canada is about; you are acting as the merchandiser and not one who is 'becoming' within 'living in the moment'. I love Neil and don't care about censors, never will. Freedom of speech is one of many things I learned in life as a scrivner, esq.