Monday, January 29, 2007

Comment of the Moment: Documentary Film of CSNY Freedom of Speech Tour

A Comment of the Moment on Documentary Film of CSNY Freedom of Speech Tour. Simpson said...
"I don't know about the rest of you guys...but I'm rather disappointed in learning that the CSNY movie will be a documentary and not a straight concert film...which I had been hoping for.

I know this was a very controversial tour and all...but the very first official movie with all four members in it is going to be a documentary?

I do have to admit that I am political...and on the Republican side...but I still have both versions of Young's 'Living With War' album and saw the guys at their last stop of the '06 tour in Burgettstown.

Here's what I have to say. Each concert was about 3 1/2 hours long. I loved every single song they played at my concert. I was hoping to get just a straight concert film with concert footage of most of the songs they played.

With a documentary we're gonna get less concert footage for more interviews and opinionated stuff which I probably won't want to watch after the first or second viewings. I understand the meaning of this tour and all...but I was mainly hoping to get a concert film.

I honestly don't care about the documentary aspect of it...that's fine with me...but a documentary means less concert footage."

Hopefully, a DVD release will have a full concert recording.

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At 1/29/2007 01:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be nice if they used the first concert of the tour in which Neil played "Looking for a Leader" which, owing to the tepid response, he declined to do at future shows. Aside from "Let's Impeach..." this song packs the most politcal wallup... After the first show (or two), the formula got to be completely routinized with the only question being, "would they play 'Woodstock'?" or not. I also liked a less refined Neil (think Time Fades Away) anyway...

At 1/29/2007 04:44:00 PM, Anonymous Simpson said...

It was rather nice to see my comment became the comment of the moment...thanks for that Thrasher.

Since they filmed all of the shows I believe they'll just use the best material from the different shows. "Looking For A Leader" may be included...after all, it was nominated for 2 Grammys!

At 1/30/2007 12:10:00 PM, Anonymous B Laing said...

I went to the CSNY concert when it came to Winnipeg, Can. in July of 2007. The one song I had wanted to here from LWW was "Looking for a Leader",but it was the only cut Neil didn't play from the album. He certainly had a receptive audience in Winnipeg, so I was a little disappointed that he chose not to include the song. As for the DVD, I agree with Simpson that a "concert film" would have been my preference.However, with the election pending in the US, I can see "why" Neil decided to go with the documentary...Regardless, I can hardly wait!!!

At 1/31/2007 07:28:00 PM, Anonymous horsewifnoname said...

I am prepared to be disapointed by just about everything related to Neil the very least overpriced.... I thought the CSNY versions of LWW songs that I have heard from audience recordings to be a lot better than the album versions. And, as a hard-core fan, I am expected to buy ANOTHER version of the LWW album. I had to buy 2 copies of Greendale in order to get both dvds. Not to mention the dvd of the film and the book. (I passed on the 600 dollar train set from LionEl)
A seperate dvd to go along with the Praire Wind stuff. And none of it ranks along side of Neil's best, and when we finally get some Horse, it's a 6 song cd that isn't even half of the concert, and it was $15,99.......
I will be in line for the dvd of the documentary, I just can't help myself, but I am getting tired of these marketing strategies.
If you want to call me a cry-baby, go ahead, but 300 dollar ticket prices and tie-in marketing to get more bucks from multiple purchases from diehard fans sucks....


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