Neil Young in Austin, Texas in 1976

A super photo gallery of Neil Young in Austin, Texas on November 9, 1976 photographed by Mark Estabrook.
Thanks Mark for dropping link! Great shots!
A news blog for Neil Young fans from Thrasher's Wheat with concert and album updates, reviews, analysis, and other Rock & Roll ramblings. Separating the wheat from the chaff since 1996.
The 1976 photos from Mark Estabrook capture Neil so well. He actually looks like he enjoys being photographed. Excellent work.
Ithink Neil just released album 'Long May you Run' with stephen Stills, and have tour in US,but the tour didnot finish as schdule due to some problems with Neil and Stephen.
I sat on the front row of this particular concert. I think it was a bad experience for Neil. With no floor security, people wandered up to the stage and began talking while Neil was doing his acoustic set. After this went on a while, he cut the acoustic set short and went electric. Otherwise, great as always.