Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Vampire Blues - YouTube

In honor of President Bush's State of the Union speech tonight, we bring you a video of "Vampire Blues" on YouTube.

It's interesting that the 1974 song foreshadows the quest of oil for blood. But that's Neil for you. So far ahead of the curve, you can't even figure out where he's coming from.

I'm a vampire, babe, suckin' blood from the earth
I'm a vampire, baby, suckin' blood from the earth.
Well, I'm a vampire, babe, sell you twenty barrels worth.
I'm a black bat, babe, bangin' on your window pane
I'm a black bat, baby, bangin' on your window pane.
Well, I'm a black bat, babe, I need my high octane.
Good times are comin', I hear it everywhere I go
Good times are comin', I hear it everywhere I go.
Good times are comin', but they sure comin' slow.
I'm a vampire, babe, suckin' blood from the earth
I'm a vampire, baby, suckin' blood from the earth.
Well, I'm a vampire, babe, sell you twenty barrels worth.
Good times are comin'.

More on the album On The Beach and the "Blues Trilogy".

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At 1/23/2007 11:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No blood for oil!

At 1/24/2007 05:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Far ahead of the curve?
To refresh your memory, there was an oil crisis in 1973.

At 1/24/2007 08:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blood for oil? You nitwits. If that were the case, we'd be swimming in oil now. And while we're at it, just what do you heat your homes with? What do you put into your cars to make them go? Where do you think a lot of your medicines come from? What do you think powers your idiot web site?

Since I'm here, maybe you could tell me how much money Neil has given to families of injured and dead soldiers. Neil would NEVER make a buck off a war or a tragedy now, would he?

At 1/24/2007 02:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah-good point. Neil Collects Cars-LOTS of Cars-If my memory serves-they use gas & Oil right?

What about the electricity he uses to fire up Old Black? Most is derived from Coal and Oil right?

OH-and I love the photo of Neil and his manager, ALL by themselves, Neil has a guitar and Elliot is listening while they fly to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on a Private JET! Jet's Burn Oil don't they?

At 1/24/2007 05:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone could offer up a good estimate of how much energy is used when Neil plays those big, loud electric concerts with Crazy Horse. Surely sending out all of those decibels must use a bit more than bottle of cooking oil. That's not to mention the lights that are a part of the show.

This question would also apply to shows that he plays with those three hypocritical, sanctimonious, overly serious, humorless, know-nothing, gutless, self-important, overblown (two of them anyway)semi-talents (at best) known as Crosby, Stills and Nash.

At 1/24/2007 05:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil's Downfall was Jonathan Demme.

Demme, who never made a REAL movie his whole career, is now makeing a Jimmy Carter Documentary.

Now I'll give him Credit, ANYBODY who can find anything positive to say about Jimmy Carter-has to have "some" talant.

He got in Neil's head and fucked him up-OH and how much Energy is used to fuel that waste of time "SUNDANCE" Film festival? Held in the dead of winter way up in the mountains? Hot Tubs, Lights, Heaters, MOVIE theaters....those caring environmentalist sure want everyone else to conserve-but THEY don't count!!!!

At 1/24/2007 05:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Neil's Downfall was Jonathan Demme."???

Huh? Heart of Gold was brilliant.

And last I checked, Philadelphia was a real movie.

Oil & fossil fuels will be the death of us all. That's the point that we need to accelerate the use of alternatives like solar and wind.

At 1/24/2007 06:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how one guy has checked back here every few hours, seen that noon has replied, and then writes another "Neil uses oil too" reply. good going buddy! Your writing style isnt the same throughout or anything.


At 1/25/2007 11:35:00 AM, Anonymous green grrrl said...

Someday "environmentalists wackos" will be vindicated as prophets warning against environmental global catastrophe.

At 1/25/2007 05:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check back at "NOON"? Wind Power kills the Widdle birdies when they get close to the blades-SO YOU WON'T LIKE THAT EITHER!

You guys have all the answers but they will NEVER work!

At 1/25/2007 07:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It saddens me that over 2500 US soldiers have given their lives in Iraq, however, it is a small price to pay for the freedom for the people of Iraq. All these people making a big deal about the war...keep in mind that the leading cause of death to Americans in 2003 alone killed more Americans than all of the US soldiers killed in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War combined...abortion. Pray for the unborn children.

At 1/25/2007 08:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets stay on topic here please.


At 1/26/2007 05:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironic that one of my posts was deleted by the Neil Young sycophant running this site. Isn't it ironic that his heroes are spouting "freedom of speech" and a "threat to the Constitution" and someone is afraid of some words.

Typical liberal hypocrisy. They're all in favor of free speech as long as you agree with them. I don't expect anyone to see this as Mr. Neil Young Sycophant will no doubt delete this post as well.

It makes me feel good to type it though!!

At 1/27/2007 10:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it with all of this left wing-right wing crap out there in the blogger world? I bought On the Beach when it first came out(that reads LP), and when I heard Vampire Blues, I saw it as Neil being self-deprecating, flippant, and more than a little sarcastic. It was a tongue in cheek observation of the oil crisis and the long lines at the pumps(those of you who were driving at the time, as I was, with my gas guzzling 318 engine). It fit well within the context of the record, and the times. The decision by Neil to politicize this with the release of the video was surely done with the same playful attitude he has so amply demonstrated over the years. Despite my own personal reservations about Living With War(I liked it in much the same way that I liked Tonights the Night or time Fades Away). Neil had something to say and he said it in his own inimitable way...with his music. If my short term memory serves me correctly, we went over to Iraq(Yes, I supported this, although for misleading reasons), to teach them not to blow each other up for religious reasons, and that Democracy was the true God. The lessons seem to have been lost on the Iraqi's, and at this point, I don't see any sense in allowing any more loss of American life over what is clearly a religious war over the true successor to Mohammed. Our dedicated troops have been put in harms way far too long over there, and it's time to pack up and let the Iraqi's beat each other up for whatever reasons they see fit. Let the Iraqi's deal with all the terrorists that have infiltrated their country, and lets take care of our own. Let's get the troops home and give them a damn good welcome home celebration!!! If history judges that Bush and Cheney had ulterior motives for putting our men in uniform in harms way(that reads OIL), then I'm sure that St.Peter will have a few questions for them when they get to the gate. You criticize Neil in regards to HOW MUCH MONEY HAS HE GIVEN TO THE SOLDIERS FAMILIES? I don't recall reading anywhere that our Commander in Chief has attended anything related to a soldiers funeral, or to console a single family member grieving over the death of their loved ones who so valiantly and selflessly have given their lifeblood in the service of America. Whose money do you think is prosecuting this war? Well it might surprise you to know that it's on the big governmental credit card, much the same way that Social Security is being financed. Yes, I'm drawing a parallel here, being the good centrist that I am. As far as the miscreant refugee from the EIB network, buddy, you need to get a real life. In case you hadn't noticed, the country has moved away from the right to a more sensible, defensible position, and Rush Limbaugh's worst nightmare is on it's way to becoming cold, hard reality. Heh, heh, heh...good times are coming! Looks like Neil had the pulse of mainstream America when he had the guts to release Living With war! Who the hell are you to criticize this website? Sycophant? You poor excuse of wretched refuse...THIS IS A WEBSITE DEDICATED TO THE MUSIC AND LIFE OF NEIL YOUNG AND HIS FANS!

At 1/28/2007 12:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the self-righteous indignation of the abortion gone wrong who's crying about social security being paid for on a credit card. This is the type of socialist scum who yearns for government funded programs and at the same time, cries for cuts. Just don't cut his.

This is also the type of moron who, because the former illegal alien and still not U.S. citizen Neil Young plays a guitar, believes that he has something important to say. Neil Young is a friggin' entertainer. Who the hell cares what his stupid and ill-informed political views are. Let him go to Iran or Afghanastan to sing his ditties.

Since you don't recall reading (do you REALLY know how to read without help?) that Bush has offered to console soldiers' families, even your grat idol and heroine, Cindy Sheehan has admitted that she met with him after her son died.

You're a centrist? You're a liar.

At 2/01/2007 03:14:00 AM, Blogger Jamie Summers said...

fun fun fun. neo-con trolls on a neil young forum. you can't get any cooler than that!

At 2/01/2007 04:34:00 PM, Anonymous Glenn said...

Hey, great video! To quote Hunter Thompson: "I piss down the throats of these Bush nazis."


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