Comment of the Moment: The Power of Green (Dale)
The Comment of the Moment on The Power of Green (Dale):
"Thomas Freidman is incredibly bright and insightful - great article. Neil may be articulate in his writing and certainly moves us all, but he is not necessarily as well stated in his political views. I loved Greendale, saw it four times and own all Greendale related DVDs etc. but it was almost sophmoric in it's simplicity which is part of the reason why I loved it so much. Never the less, the message of Greendale was pure. In short, let Neil inspire your Green ethic and let Thomas Friedman and other well researched scholars deliver the content. To all the critics, please remember in the end Neil is a brilliant writer, composer and musician, not a social commentator etc. and when Neil is so compelled (Greendale, Living with War)at least he has the balls to start a conversation in his own humble way."