Monday, April 30, 2007

Rolling Stone Interview with Neil Young

Rolling Stone has an online audio interview with Neil Young on a variety of subjects. Young discusses the main difference between the students of the ’60s, who rabidly protested the Vietnam War, and the apathetic students of the ’00s:
“It’s more important for them to get a job than it is to worry about the war. Because the economy is in shambles. Because no one is coming to the campuses and taking them over to Iraq. But as soon as they start doing that, you’ll see everything change immediately. It would be like night and day. These students are ready to rock — but nobody’s pushed the button.”

The posting is also attracting a few Neil-bashers but Neil fans are fighting back.

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At 4/30/2007 03:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always nice to see a Neil Young (or any entertainer) quote just to demonstrate what nitwits they are. So they economy is in shamble? Besides being a geopolitcal expert, Neil is now an economist as well.

He ought to read some some real economic journals once in a while and put down his trains and comic books. If he understood what he was reading, he might comprehend that the economy is quite excellent and that they U.S. has 6 years of sustained economic growth.

At 4/30/2007 05:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*He ought to read some some real economic journals once in a while and put down his trains and comic books. If he understood what he was reading, he might comprehend that the economy is quite excellent and that they U.S. has 6 years of sustained economic growth.*

...which only the very rich have gotten a piece of.

At 4/30/2007 09:19:00 PM, Blogger Veg said...

Quite, the ever widening gap between rich and poor makes it difficult for the middle class to find jobs of a wage which helps them maintain their accustomed style of living, and while a lot of us could live on a little less (some a lot less), this class gap is not a sign of economic health, but one of deterioration.

Yes, the economy is growing at a stable rate, yes the U.S. economy is incredibly strong, but it's meaningless if the people whom compose the majority of the population see none of its benefits.

Wages are at an all time proportional low, with the most wealth making proportionally more than ever before. The once strong middle class is now divided between lower and upper middle class, or in layman's terms, those who are living comfortable and maybe able to afford a home, and those who are comparatively much wealthier than the poor or lower middle class.

The economy is in shambles, because it is not functioning correctly, the people of the U.S. outside the wealthiest 1-5% are seeing none of the benefits of this growth, and with massive inflations in the price of housing and gasoline, it's quickly becoming apparent that a "livable" wage by our standards is getting much higher.

And yet it is so much more difficult to attain that kind of pay.

If you think poverty is low in the U.S., or even that it's improving, you're an ignorant fool.

And of all 1st world countries, the United States may have a very high amount of wealth per capita, but it has the lowest happiness next to Russia. Maybe because our poverty rate is over 30%.

At 5/01/2007 05:24:00 PM, Blogger Liam said...

I'm no economic expert, especially not the US but if the dollar is at it's lowest point in over 20 years against the pound, then something must be up.

At 5/02/2007 08:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and the euro, which was originally supposed to more or less equate with the dollar, now exchanges at $1.36 USD per 1 Euro, close to an all time high I believe. The "strong" economy without a doubt is yet another smokescreen to make the administration appear to look like their actually capable of doing something right. Unfortunately, rich people in America getting richer in this day and age just isn't right...

At 5/03/2007 09:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a 18 year old high school senior, I can say that Neil hit the head on the nail. We are ready to do things, but we trapped inside of ourselves and can't break free and protest. Four weeks ago, two hundred students at my school planned and carried out a protest. The school suspended dozens of kids. Some of these kids are scholarly and the IVYs don't like suspensions. Kids today have two ropes pulling on them from opposite directions (scholarly and rebel) Sadly, the intellect rope is pulling harder. Life is to fake today in most students. I turn to Neil to keep it real


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