Pegi Young Concert Report

Harry O reports on Rust that Pegi gave a fine performance on Friday at her first solo show. Her husband Neil joined the band playing sitar and acoustic guitar (that's Neil on far right above).
(HT - The Painter)
From today's San Francisco Chronicle by Joel Selvin:
"'It's something that I probably always wanted to do,' she says. 'I've been writing a long time. I've been playing music in my own way for a long time. It's just been put over here, while I had other things that I needed to do. I guess it's just sort of an evolution. Playing and singing more with Neil and with my Mountainettes singing group just sort of led to it. It was Elliot's suggestion, actually (Elliot Roberts, Neil Young's longtime manager). I'd been thinking about making my own record, but I'd only been thinking about it. I hadn't sort of jumped in.'"