Drive By Truckers - 9:30 Club, Washington, DC

Caught the Drive By Truckers last night at the 9:30 Club in Washington, DC. As advertised, they put on quite the concert for their Dirt Underneath tour.
We've been a fan of DBT really ever since coming across the song "Ronnie and Neil", which attempts to lay to rest the legendary feud between Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young.
The evening began with an acoustic set of about a half an hour of some of their more laid back tunes. They then took a short break and played a nearly 2 hour electric set.
The band was joined by Spooner Oldham on keyboards which was a real treat. Lead singer/guitarist Patterson Hood introduced Spooner by saying what an honor it was to have him on tour and how he'd "played on a lot of great songs".
One definitely comes away from the show with the sense that these guys are a hard rockin' and partyin' band. With a cooler of beer on stage and a bottle of whiskey being passed around between songs, DBT proceeded to get pretty loaded as the evening progressed.
Obviously, a real highlight of the concert was hearing "Ronnie and Neil" during which I got a chuckle out the crowd reaction at the mention of Neil Young's name which was more subdued than the mention of Lynyrd Skynyrd's which drew great whoops.
"Let Their Be Rock" closed out the first set in a big way with the crowd singing away. The show ended with Patterson and the band playing an exhaustively intense version of "People Who Died". Yes, ain't it a shame.

More on the Drive By Truckers and Neil Young.