Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pegi Young on Conan O'Brien

Pegi Young on Conan O'Brien performing "Sometimes".

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At 7/26/2007 10:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to rip up Pegi Young, because I like her alot, but I feel like anyone with a guitar could have "written" this song. I don't know how to explain it... but it sounds like the kind of shit where, you know, you pick up a guitar, strum a few chords, spit out the first, most obvious words that come to mind... and there ya go. A song; albeit a mediocre one. It lacks depth... and a melody. And her vocals stick too closely to the chord changes...

At 7/26/2007 11:57:00 PM, Blogger RDR said...

"Sometimes" is one of her most generic songs, but I think she wanted to choose something that had a wide appeal. It's soft and pretty, nothing fancy, though I will say Ben Keith really makes that song, besides Pegi's vocals of course. She's definitely more comfortable on stage now than during her Northern California mini-tour shows, and honestly I think there was nothing bad about it, she got up there, performed it well, didn't make any big hoopla about it, and was a graceful performer. I think she could have been mic'd a little louder on the vocals, but it is a soft song, so whatever works. I think Pegi's making herself a good, modest name, and she isn't trying to play big shot, just doing her thing and not making a fuss about it. I'd like to see her and Neil do a mini-tour of duet shows with both their songs, that'd be pretty neat.

At 7/27/2007 12:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should just go out on her own and quietly do coffee shops, open mics, that sort of thing, without the hoopla. Her husband being around is nice and supportive, but also tends to swamp what she's trying to do. His infrastructure certainly helps, but seems like overkill.


At 7/28/2007 11:07:00 PM, Anonymous Dee said...

I like it because it is simple. The tempo is upbeat, the back up is damn good, and the words flow nicely with the song.

I like spontaneity in songs. Depth is important, but not everyone needs to go deep to express their feelings, tell a story, or make an observation in a song.

Listen to Gillian Welch's "Look Out Miss Ohio" and then "Are You Alright?" by Lucinda Williams's Both songs have that same easy flow of words weaving around a melody ... conveying an observation or feeling.

Who said analysis kills spontaneity? The grain that is ground in springs and germinates no more?

At 7/29/2007 02:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't want to rip up Pegi Young, because I like her alot,"

Hmmmm. Well you sort of did. In fact, you are making fun of her.

Maybe a better way to construct criticism is to do it without mocking an individual's creative processes and emotions that drive it.

Instead stick with the "It lacks depth... and a melody. And her vocals stick too closely to the chord changes."

At 7/29/2007 02:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People seem to be unaware of the fact that if she were not married to Neil and he were not playing on her "tour", she wouldn't be getting the attention she is enjoying. And getting on Conan? I am ceertainly not saying she is unworthy, but is she any more worthy than all the other deserving singer/songwrites out there?

At 7/29/2007 08:57:00 PM, Anonymous Dee said...

You're right. If she wasn't married to Neil, he probably wouldn't be playing back up.

And I hear ya about Conan though. Although most people like me are sleeping when his show is on, I'm sure a lot of people would sell their soul to get on his show.

At 7/31/2007 09:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

would it be possible for Neil and Pegi to tour with friends and do the Rolling Thunder from California Duo or two? Do record labels work together? For the good of us all?
wouldn't that be fun??? Sound out. Step up to the plate. Neil and Pegi get into the thick, give that good ole black eye a good kick. Turn it up, sing it out, lord have mercury when they take it up.

At 8/01/2007 06:14:00 PM, Anonymous Dee said...

ARe you talking about FarmAid? If not ...keep talking ... sounds like more fun ....

At 8/02/2007 09:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK.. think Neil and Pegi, Bob Dylan and his Pegi, and well.. think Traveling Wilburys, George is gone, Roy is gone but these friends would be with you, just not in the body, but Tom is here, Jimmy is here and ...who do you think? Fun together is the key here. I know I am just a dreamer, but can you imagine? Those guys could have so much fun playing and singing the songs and playing the music. The world has choices, I choose life with Neil, Pegi, Bob and Boo. Lots of people DO. Some people quote the Bible, I quote Neil and Bob. Come on! Let's get these two together on tour! Now THAT would be something.

At 8/02/2007 09:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and Pegi, you need a costumer with your best interest in mind. The black outfits just don't work. You are light of the earth dear. You got to shine. I would put you in leather corset, with that push up breast look, with colorful skirts that move. Cowgirl with tune. You go girl you are inspiration, not darkness.

At 8/02/2007 05:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dreamer ... I like the Bob & Neil Show or Neil & Bob Show and who didn't love those Wilbury boys. And Riatt & Prine's a damn good time, don't you think?

Heck, I even like the Pegi is an inspiration bit because she is. But the leather corset-push up and flounced skirt ... uhhh ... well ... I think that's been done already ... it was called "LawrenceSwelk" & "Hee Haw."

But hey. The Rymen worked, right? And revivals appear to be on the rebound. I just hope I can get the moth ball smell out of my hat and find tickets in time.

Blue Jean Baby

At 8/02/2007 08:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pegi's interview on Fresh Air ...

At 8/03/2007 08:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course blue jean are more comfortable. You might be thinking Pegi and feeding the chickens, that picture? Well this is Pegi the entertainer. The clip on Conan, can you see Pegi? Not really. If she had color and movement she would take your eye and keep it.

I will buy a new hat..for that new day.. Bob and Neil shout it out!!

At 8/03/2007 09:20:00 AM, Anonymous Blue Jean Baby said...

Dreamer ... do you want to meet for coffee somewhere? I like your taste in music and I love for the visual ...

At 8/03/2007 10:26:00 AM, Anonymous dee said...

I heard the interview on Fresh Air and to me it revealed a woman very humbled about all the attention but also very amused.

I, too, am a visual person but I don't think it matters what she wears. The Pegi feeding the chickens is the Pegi on Conan.

When you try to separate the two, what you get is fabrication. What was beautiful about Heart of Gold Pegi was that she really did glow in that one. But that was Demme's magic bringing out the soul of everyone on stage.

At 8/03/2007 12:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is your favorite coffee shop? I see what Dee means, because Pegi glows with love, it is easy to catch. I heard that a daycare plays Heart of Gold, sound only, whenever they HAVE to have the children be happy and 'good'. Shouts something kids hear. Me too.
Did you see Pegi's black eye in that Fresh air picture? seeing thunder rolling and bobbing up lightn'... mercury might explode

At 8/03/2007 02:39:00 PM, Anonymous Dee said...

Too much going on in my own life to be peering too deep into others about whom I know nothing except for the music they play. And yes, sometimes music has been known on occasion to calm a restless soul or cure a broken heart.

At 8/03/2007 03:25:00 PM, Anonymous Blue Jean Baby said...

Dean's Beans.

Hmmmm ... it's funny you should mention that black eye, Dreamer. All the videos/stills of Neil lately are suspiciously dark and out of focus. Neither did HE SHOW for Conan, either.

And yes, Dee, cross Pegi with chickens and Pegi on Conan and what you get is a Pegi of Heart of Gold.

Demme was always ahead of his time. Rolling thunder and out ...

At 8/03/2007 09:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

on the black eye..well I heard there is this artist who has done a Neil Young painting that uses that black eye. She must be seeing things because she saw Neil, Bob and Pegi all with black eyes. She will turn that Neil painting into a Neil Young floorcloth. Want to dance with Neil for a heart of gold? Wait until you see what you didn't see. Neil upside down looks like beauty women with a BLACK eye!!!! Honest.

At 8/11/2007 08:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That really is a boring and badly written song. Only listenable because of a good arrangement.

At 8/14/2007 10:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her music is bland and has no feeling.


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