New CD Chrome Dreams II and Tour

UPDATED 10/18/07: See Neil Young Tour Kicks Off for most up to date tour news and concert reviews.

A recent post on Rust by tordon2000 from a WEA schedule release sheet:
"New cd Chrome Dream tentatively scheduled Oct. 16. Touring for 7 weeks beginning Oct. 13. Performing at Farm Aid Sept 9 & Bridge School Oct 27-28. To be determined date in 2008 cd & dvd archive set includes 8 cds, 3 dvds, & 160 page book in box packaging."
The release of the CD titled Chrome Dreams II is re-confirmed on the official N Y Times site stating:
"... the recording runs 60+ minutes and includes two giant songs that time in at 18:30 and 13:00, respectively. Drawing from three songs written previously, and 7 new songs, the latest Neil Young is a very diverse recording."

The site also includes a history of the widely bootlegged Chrome Dreams by Jef Michael Piehler, at Side Street Records (originally published in Broken Arrow, February 1993):
Had it been released, "Chrome Dreams" might have stood today as one of Neil Young's best records ever. The bar-room characters amidst historical references & passionate love songs creates a magical atmosphere. But like most first drafts, the perception of what's important & what isn't must be left to the artist, and not to the record company bean counters or the whims of the artists' "biggest" fans. As near-perfect as "Chrome Dreams" might seem, it's release would've created un-fillable holes in other near-perfect albums like "American stars 'n bars," "Comes A Time" and "Rust Never Sleeps."
Footnotes on the aborted release and multiple bootleg versions try and clear up some of the confusion:
Soon after the first one, a second bootleg CD called "Chrome Dreams" appears containing most of the same songs (but not the same recordings) along with a few additional recordings (most-notably the previously-unissued 1975 studio version
of "White Line" and a 1978 live version of "Ride My Llama" --which was actually "Chrome Dreams" bootleg CD#2 -- yet another working title for the "American stars'n bars"album).
So once again, we have a new project pushing off the Archives ever delayed release. But for many, the promise of seven new songs is enough to compensate for the Archives delay.
And most importantly, a 7 week tour! So what band? Chrome Dreams material? An Archives preview?
UPDATE 10/15/07:
Neil Young Fall Tour Dates: Chrome Dreams Continental Tour