FWIW: A New Tone on Tour?
FWIW, this comment was posted on An Open Letter To Neil Young On Ticket Prices For The Turnstiles:
My friend was just talking to Larry Cragg (who he knows pretty well) and Larry said that Neil is going for a whole new guitar tone on this tour (hence the picture with the strat-like guitar, which Neil used to say he didn't like). He'll be using solid-state amps and a digital modeler. He is also going to be "reinventing" some of his old stuff for the second part of the show, using this new tone.
Hmmm. No Old Black??? A Hagstrom? We'll see soon. As for Neil going digital. I think not. From what I understand, Neil would never give up the warmth of analog tubes.

Photo by Larry Cragg (via Rolling Stone)