Monday, October 15, 2007

Comment of the Moment: A Longtime Fan's Thoughts

From Thrasher's Wheat's Guestbook by Tuned4life:
I am 9 years younger than Neil. I have been a fan since the Buffalo Springfield era. I went to Woodstock at age 15 to see him up close. With the rain, Lack of food or shelter, broken glass, the electric Koolaid, I am lucky I survived.

Ever since hearing the 4way street version of "Southern Man" I have been one of the faithful. I have bought every one of his albums the first day they were released since 1969. To date I have attended 26 of his concerts. I was fortune to be able to attend 3 of the Greendale shows and 3 of the Freedom of Speech shows. I don't drive new cars, or play golf so I have been able to pay the price for front row seats. I paid 999.99 for Massey Hall second row seats. Say what you want about scalpers but if not for them I would have missed out on some of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. I enjoy every concert like it might be the last time. 20 years sober, and a sentimental old fool, I feel like Neil and I are old friends. Because I have had a lot of front row seats and bear an uncanny resemblance to David Crosby Neil recognizes me as someone he has seen before. I am going to attend 3 of the Chrome Dreams concerts and enjoy every minute.

I am grateful for my life and I salute Neil for his.

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At 10/15/2007 08:01:00 PM, Blogger Kimball said...

Way to go, Tuned. I'm sure Neil would love to visit with you given the chance. I hope one day you get to visit with him at length, either at his place or yours. That would be a wonderful event.

At 10/16/2007 01:36:00 PM, Anonymous redroxx in Denver said...

Nice post Tuned. I'm in the same boat. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, we can get the seats we want, even if from scalpers. But have faith - in 2000, I bought my first really high-priced scalper seats (multiple tickets for multiple shows at Red Rocks). I settled on my 4th row dead center, and when I got there Neil had put up a camera in my seats. The staff comped me with front row seats, and then had me come back two nights later - where my wife and I got front row dead center VIP seats, ate with the band backstage, and met briefly with Neil. Very gracious man who seems to really understand his fans. Keep on truckin - live music is better.

At 10/16/2007 07:02:00 PM, Blogger Ben said...

"Say what you want about scalpers but if not for them I would have missed out on some of the most enjoyable experiences of my life."

No, because that's one last ticket you could have bought from the official ticket vendor for a way lower price.

At 10/17/2007 07:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Tuned.

Tommorow starts the tour !
Anyone going to the first show in Boise ? Anxious to see the set list ! Hope someone will post it.
I dont get to see Neil until December.

At 10/18/2007 04:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live near Boise, Idaho, and am lucky enough to have gotten a ticket! I also have been a fan since Buffalo Springfield, but tonight will be the first time to see and hear Neil live. I have seen Stills, Crosby, and Nash at least twice, but somehow never got to see Neil.
Tonight's the Night!!!!!!


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