Sunday, October 14, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth: After The Garden Video

In recognition of Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore, here's Neil Young's video for "After The Garden" using footage from the film "An Inconvenient Truth".

Also, see The Inconvenient Truth of Greendale.

Be the Rain!

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At 10/14/2007 06:43:00 PM, Anonymous Green Grrrl said...

Maybe this award will wake folks up to the fact that we don't have much time.

Be the Rain, indeed!

At 10/14/2007 09:33:00 PM, Anonymous Chicken Little - Not! said...

Maybe Gore can start by cutting back on some of the power consumption at his mansion. Personally, I think it's all a lot of alarmist rubbish - but of course, the 'climate changers' can't lose can they? If things don't end up as they've predicted, they'll just claim that it's because they've manage to avert things with their 'wake-up calls'...

At 10/15/2007 01:29:00 AM, Anonymous PEP said...

I don't understand the naysayers. Even if there was no such thing as global warming -- what's the harm in being more environmentally friendly?

At 10/15/2007 08:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's NOT "man-made" climate change has been occuring for billions of years-long before man.

This is a democrat party scam to get more morons to vote for them.

At 10/15/2007 02:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at mother nature on the run!

Anti-environmental people, you suck...

At 10/15/2007 02:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not "anti-environmental". I'm reasonable.

How long has man kept track of the temperatures? Tell you what, I'll give you 200 years.

200 out of a 200 billion, just WHAT is the average temerature for the earth Mr. Environmental expert?

You, like most liberals, drink the Kool-Aid and pretend the sky is falling. You take it hook, line, and sinker.

If you worried more about REAL security issues effecting our planet, than Michael Moore's BIG lie, we'd be a lot better off!

At 10/15/2007 02:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Milano in Italy, and just by looking out my window I can see that global warming is a serious threath. Here the pollution has become like a sheild covering over the city, making the temperatures rise to unnormal heights. This was not the case just few years ago.

Some of you guys are so stupid, you think it's all just a game. You must be Americans, am I right?

Global warming is here to stay.

Keep on rocking.

At 10/15/2007 02:52:00 PM, Anonymous ian said...

If you think we only have 200 years of data on temperatures, then I'd say your ignorance on the subject speaks for itself.

Try finding out what scientists think about this, rather than your uninformed random thoughts.

At 10/15/2007 03:16:00 PM, Anonymous not in denial said...

Hey Chicken Little - Not!

"a lot of alarmist rubbish"? And what would be the motive? Why? What is the gain? Wouldn't you rather the "alarmist" be wrong? Because if we're right, you are tot6ally screwed.


At 10/15/2007 03:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10/15/2007 01:46:00 PM

Records for 200 years? Where do you get that?

Ever heard of something called ice cores and geologic records? They date back millions of years.

A really reasonable person

At 10/15/2007 06:22:00 PM, Anonymous Chicken Little - Not! said...

Experts can't even predict next week's weather accurately - yet when they tell us what's going to happen in 50 years, 100 years time, it's just accepted as a given that they are right. Well, not by me. And there are plenty of well credentialled scientists who don't agree with the alarmist, politically driven propaganda either, but they get shot down if they try to speak up. For some reason I can't fathom, nobody wants to hear that 'global warming' may just be a cyclic phenomenon that the planet has gone through many times before - they seem to want to only hear the gloom and doom predictions - why is that? There is no scientific evidence that global warming, or increases in greenhouse gas are caused by human activity - it is arrogant to think that we humans can impact the weather of this planet. And this isn't an "anti-environmental" viewpoint. I compost, I recycle, I keep chickens... Pep is right in that regard, we should all be more environmentally friendly - we can clean up rivers, plant more trees, recycle etc... but my motivation for doing that is so my kids can drink clean water, or breath healthy air - not because I think it's going to change the overall weather patterns of the planet. And the celebrity hypocrites are something else - Gore's mansion uses the average home's yearly power each month! Rock stars and movie stars jetting all over the globe to preach to us how turning off light bulbs will save the earth! Just don't ask them to do it themselves though. And let's cut down on our car usage too I hear - just how many of those gas guzzlers does Neil have in his fleet now?

At 10/19/2007 02:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written Chicken!


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