Buffalo, NY Concert Reviews - 11/30/07

Photo by Tom Kuenzi
From The Buffalo News - "Neil Young is on fire as ever" by Jeff Miers:
The most intense song of the evening was one from Young’s newest effort, the lambent “Chrome Dreams II.”
“No Hidden Path” is classic Young — a midtempo, folk-based rock tune with anthemic chord changes writ large, an easygoing groove, campfire wisdom-laced lyrics and plenty of room for improvisation.
And what incredible improvisation it was. Young, a Gibson Les Paul Junior strapped across his midsection, tore into the solo sections with fervor, abandonment, and the trademark childlike glee that has laced all of his finest work. The tune was simply astounding, a large-scale emotional powerhouse centered on Young’s keening near-falsetto tenor and his searing, primal guitar soloing.
Young is not a young man. But he played with a fire and intensity players a third of his age could learn a thing or two from. Interestingly, this show — billed as an “acoustic/electric” evening, with an even split between mellower solo fare and full-bore electric band throwdowns — started off with a whisper.
Photo gallery of Buffalo concert.
Neil Young will be performing tonight at Shea's Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, New York.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates.
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Neil Young Tour Updates and Concert Reviews:
Chrome Dreams II Tour Kicks Off