Sit vs Stand: The Never Ending Dilemma
A concert goers never ending dilemma of sitting versus standing has been a topic on Neil Young's current tour. Coby comments on the Buffalo concert:
-To dance or not to dance?
This seems to be a problem at all recent Neil concerts. Once the electric set kicked off, a VERY small contingent of fans decided to dance. This aggravated the people sitting behind them, who yelled profanities, threw garbage... all in a vain effort to get them to sit down. I'm on the fence here because I don't want to sound like a concert snob because I understand both sides of the argument. People payed good money to see this show and they want to SEE it, not just hear. However, part of the experience for other people is to dance and really enjoy themselves. I have to admit being a little saddened that people didn't dance during "The Loner" because the song just begs for it. I usually gage the crowd however and act accordingly. I could see, tap my foot, bob my head, mouth the words, all during the electric set.. and had a hell of a time. Although, the encore allowed me to stand and move a little, which was even more fun. I guess I'd just like a more understanding crowd. There's no point in swearing at people. It's a concert, coexist and share the experience, you never know if you'll get the opportunity again.

Photo & Banner by Ron "Love And Only Love"