"A Woman or A Black Man": Lookin' for a Leader

Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama
Apropos of nothing really, but we found the lyrics of "Lookin' for a Leader" going through our head the other day after the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. We see a lot of international traffic here at Thrasher's Wheat and an occasional mail from someone curious about some various "Americanism".
Anyways, for our international audience, there's an election coming up in the U.S. and there are a couple of front runners already -- Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- "the woman or a black man" in "Lookin' for a Leader".
"Every American President has left an impact on his country and the World. This musical history lesson from Neil Young takes a look at the past, present and future of US leadership."
Lookin' for a Leader
To bring our country home
Re-unite the red white and blue
Before it turns to stone
Lookin' for somebody
Young enough to take it on
Clean up the corruption
And make the country strong
Walkin' among our people
There's someone who's straight and strong
To lead us from desolation
And a broken world gone wrong
Someone walks among us
And I hope he hears the call
And maybe it's a woman
Or a black man after all
Yeah maybe it's Obama
But he thinks that he's too young
Maybe it's Colin Powell
To right what he's done wrong
America has a leader
But he's not in the house
He's waling here among us
And we've got to seek him out
Yeah we've got our election
But corruption has a chance
We got to have a clean win
To regain confidence
AMERICA is beautiful
But she has an ugly side
We're lookin' for a leader
In this country far and wide
We're lookin' for a leader
With the great spirit on his side
Someone walks among us
And I hope he hears the call
And maybe it's a woman
Or a black man after all.
Documentary of the making of LFAL.
Here are some reviews of "Living with War".