Concert Review of the Moment: Manchester, England - 3/11/08

Photo by Manchester Evening News
The Concert Review of the Moment is from Manchester, England - 3/11/08 from jan in wakefield:
i've only just found your site, after going to see neil young at manchester appollo last night (11th march).
it looks a fab site.
reading the comments about last night, i felt i had to add my thoughts. yeah it was quiet; during the acoustic part i sat hardly breathing, it was such an intense experience. tears were rolling down my face when he even walked onto the stage at the beginning. i felt awed by the whole experience, not because of his 'starry' ness, but because this man has written such powerful songs, that were the soundtrack to much of my life, especially when i was a teenager 35 years ago. to be there, with him singing them in front of me, in such an intimate setting was wonderful. it felt such a privilege to be there, especially with all the health scares he's had. and the electric half was fab too. i personally would've liked 'like a hurricane', what with the fan blowing at the back of the stage...i thought for sure it was gonna be on the list.
but i don't feel short changed, it was a classic neil young gig, as far as i'm concerned. he was fit and well, and had his family around him, both on and off stage. i felt a lot of love a goodwill going towards him from us in the audience, and i hope he felt that too.
a wonderful night, one of the best gigs i've ever seen, and i've been going to gigs for 35 years.
i've loved his music all that time, and last night was just life laid out in songscapes. powerful, raw, reaching amazing heights, touching something else outside yourself. thank you neil.
a lotta love jan
More on Manchester, England - 3/11/08. Also, see Neil Young 2008 Europe Tour and Concert Reviews