Friday, March 28, 2008

Getting Neil: Another Perspective on the Mystique


As you might imagine, we come across all kinds of Neil stories. And, because we sometimes like to think that we "get Neil" there's a tendency to just sort of surf by a lot of stuff. But every now and then we come across a post that nearly stops us in our tracks and makes us realize that -- in fact -- we don't really "get Neil" and probably never will.

So this team post by Kat, Laura and Liz was a real eye opener. For one, we often feel that Neil is mainly a "guy" thing. So it's really refreshing to get another perspective. Especially when it so clearly demonstrates that there's a lot more to the picture than meets the eye.

So check out what Kat, Laura and Liz have to say about Neil on
no good for me.

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At 3/28/2008 08:47:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was cool.

At 3/28/2008 09:42:00 PM, Anonymous susteph said...

wow, i guess i never thought about how guys see neil. these ladies totally nail it for me, though. neil was always there for me, especially when i was suffering from unrequited love. and i spent a few years internet dating, but the ad that won me my husband was titled "searching for a heart of gold." guess i meant i was searching for my neil.

At 3/28/2008 11:37:00 PM, Blogger benO said...

there's more about the neil that meet our eyes, that's sure... but this picture is one of the f**** best one of him. I hope I will hear his guitar (live) soon here in the very small switzerland....

At 3/28/2008 11:43:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was the funnest thing I've read on here in a long time. If only there were more women out there into talking the wonder that is Neil. "Hot for 35 seconds". Neil just gets cooler with age. Like Muddy Waters, Levon Helm, etc. I listened to Without Rings about a hundred times driving straight through the night from Halifax to Toronto alone. Passing through the lights of Montreal at about 12:30am; I was in a trance. I love the man.

At 3/29/2008 12:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what do women think about men who are totally intensely in to Neil and read this blog? My advice is guys who are totally in to Neil are a lot more attainable than Neil. So go for one the next time you get a chance.
My Superintense Neil Fan mate showed me this post. You go girlz! I am really happy for Neil when I see him smile at Pegi. They are so in love. I guess it gets better and better when you are with the right person.

At 3/29/2008 12:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely summed up!

Not too long ago, I took a Neil focus guitar class--with about 15 adult 'students'. 3 of which were gay women--all of whom absolutely, unabashedly adored Neil Young.
His appeal is orientation neutral!

Covered by a number of 'out' entertainers: kd, Indigo Girls, K's Choice, The Butchies... amazing come to think of it.

At 3/31/2008 09:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Love and only love will endure"!

Men wanna be like Neil, women wanna be like Neil.

Open hearted honesty draws all. And an ability/awarenes to seemingly understand himself and others and the unparalled talent to express it in words, notes, chords, rythms and intensity.

"He's a perfect stranger......

At 3/31/2008 10:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a 45 year old woman, Neil-addicted since 1979. I know hardcore Neil fans are out there, but I've never met any, never mind the ones who idolize him the way I do. So it was almost a shock to realize that there are people--women, yet--who feel about Neil the way I do. After I read their article, I perused the rest of their site, and was surprised that such young, trendy women have even heard of Neil and his music. So thanks, Thrasher, for the link to their post. Beyond discovering that there are others who are as fervently in love with Neil as I am, it has renewed my faith in the survival of rock music. These young women have sought out--and connected with--music recorded before they were even born, some of it relatively obscure, which is even more amazing! Neil is a constant source of wonder to me, even after all these years.



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