Manchester, England - 3/11 & 12/08: Concert Reports

"Winterlong" on Gretsch White Falcon - 3/11/08
Photo by breezehilllpete
From | Live Reviews - Manchester Apollo, March 11 2008 by ROB HUGHES:
"Much has been made of “No Hidden Path” this tour, and rightly so. It’s an immense, spectacular thing. But for pure rock’n’roll dementia, head-buckling riffs and roaring solos, “Spirit Road” is its equal tonight. Huddling up to Keith and Rosas, riding the exchange like a tempestuous bull, Young is cutting loose. “Down By The River” is colossal too, Young turning his back, hunkering down and rocking so wildly you fear he’s going to topple into Molina’s lap. It’s a huge ball of knotted noise. At one point during a similarly frenzied “Hey Hey My My”, it sounds like it could easily smash the place to pieces."
From Manchester Confidential by Rob Haynes:
"Playing 1969’s legendary ‘Down By The River’, he indulges himself in a guitar solo in which a visit to the bar and a leisurely stroll to the toilet can be comfortably accommodated. In other hands this would usually be a cause for a small death of the soul, but in Young’s it is as though the audience’s collective astral body is being taken for a flight in the sun-soaked California sky. He lurches around the stage as if pursuing electricity itself, and the thought that this a man in his 60s recovering from a brain aneurysm just makes the spectacle all the more stunning."
Amusing review thread on RedIssue Forums - United Fanzine.
Thanks breezehilllpete and iFarah!
Neil Young will be performing tonight at Manchester Apollo, Manchester, England.
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