Still "Lookin' for a Leader" Or Show Me The Way and I'll Follow You Someday

Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama
Someone walks among us
And I hope he hears the call
And maybe it's a woman
Or a black man after all
"Lookin' for a Leader" - 2006
Tomorrow, Pennsylvania's presidential primary will be held and -- more than likely -- we'll finally know whether it will be black man or a woman who will be the Democratic party candidate.
Many would agree that the country is finally ready for someone other than a white male to occupy the White House.
We've discussed Neil Young's song "Lookin' for a Leader" a few times over the years and readers at Thrasher's Wheat have had some lively and intense discussions on what kind of leader the U.S. needs.
And, of course, who could have imagined that Neil could write a song two years ago that would be so presciently relevant when it was all but sneered at by the establishment at the time of it's release?
So what was Obama's reaction to "Lookin' for a Leader" in 2006?:
"The 44-year-old Barack Obama said at a news conference before a fundraiser Saturday he has read the lyrics. But despite being name-checked by a rock 'n' roll hall-of-famer, Obama said he has no intention of running for president in two years.
That doesn't mean Obama is dismissing Young completely: "I'm a big Neil Young fan," Obama said of the Canadian musician.
He and Young met in Chicago at last year's Farm Aid concert. Obama said he sat in a trailer while Young rehearsed the song Southern Man.
"The acoustics in a trailer are terrific. It was unbelievable. . . . It was one of the best times that we've had since I was a senator."
And what did Hillary think of "Lookin' for a Leader"? Well, we've never heard her make any direct comments on the song but there are all sorts of theories about music fans voting tendencies.
And many argue strenuously that one shouldn't be taking voting cues from rock stars anyways. Witness the reaction of Bruce Springsteen endorsing Obama (and imagined). As for politics and music and whether the twain shall meet? We're not saying that music can change the world but maybe -- just maybe -- it'll make folks think before they pull the lever.
So my friends in Pennsylvania, go out and rock the vote tomorrow!
"Every American President has left an impact on his country and the World. This musical history lesson from Neil Young takes a look at the past, present and future of US leadership."
Here are some reviews of "Living with War".