LINC VOLT and The Archives: What Matters?

"Every step of the way, we have not been alone. Things fall into place like there was a plan. We have now come to see innovation we had never anticipated in all of our dreams, and we are still moving forward." - Neil Young
During all of the excitement over the announcement of the The Archives on Blu-Ray, there was another piece of news which was largely overshadowed: LINC VOLT - Repowering The American Dream.
We have to admit that the furious reaction to the Blu-Ray format left us somewhat bewildered to the point that we have not even had a chance to digest the actual track list as of yet. But we'll leave that for another day.
No, what struck us was this comment from BECAUSE SOUND MATTERS saying that "Linc Volt is more important to planet earth then the Archives are and ever will be."
The comment definitely gave us pause.
Where does one even start? Gas at $4 a gallon? Burning corn for bio-fuels while food riots break out and people around the world starve? Debating whether polar bears are an endangered species while allowing drilling in Alaska? And don't even get us started on blood for oil.
We could go on but the inconvenient truth of Greendale is that we have a job to do.
A few months ago, when Neil responded to his "music can't change the world" comment he said:
"Somewhere on Earth a scientist is alone working. No one knows what he or she is thinking. The secret is just within reach. If I knew that answer I would be singing the song.
This is the age of innovation. Hope matters. But not hope alone. In the age of innovation, the people's fuel must be found. That is the biggest challenge. Who is up to the challenge? Who is searching today? All day. All night. Every hour that goes by. I know I am."
Undoubtably, Neil is trying to make a difference. So while we debate Blu-Rays and track lists and tour sets, etc., here's something to consider from LINC VOLT - Repowering The American Dream:
" Neil Young's Lincoln is experiencing another mechanical rebirth, a conversion to bio diesel; another part of the evolutionary stage. The car is featured on CNN and apparently as a hybrid, they predict that the car will record a remarkable 100 MPG.
Finally, the four wheel electric that people have been asking for for so long has arrived and progress continues in all directions. Neil Young's LincVolt conversion helps move us through the evolution of this new frontier in transportation.
Neil Young's Linc Volt project is inspiring in that it takes a behemoth, gas guzzling automobile, and turns it into an economical hybrid electric car."
Burn your credit card for fuel.