Friday, June 06, 2008

Dave Matthews Band covers "Hey Hey, My My" on YouTube

Dave Matthews Band played Neil Young's "Hey Hey, My My" on Tuesday as the first encore at Camden, N.J. It was the first performance of the song by Dave Matthews Band who have previously covered Young's "Cortez the Killer" and "Down by the River."

Thanks Colin at Dave Matthews Band News!

And here's a higher quality MP3:
Dave Matthews Band - "Hey Hey, My My" by Neil Young, Camden, N.J. - June 4, 2008 [mp3]

Thanks Ariel at Troubled Souls Unite!

More on Dave Matthews and Neil Young (search).

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At 6/06/2008 10:30:00 AM, Blogger Colin Steele said...

I'm interested to hear what Neil Young fans think of this performance and DMB's past versions of Neil songs.

At 6/06/2008 11:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is great. Dave is a great artist that is always interested in helping Neil by supporting his Bridge School and kids in need.

At 6/06/2008 02:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done for sure, Dave Matthews and his band both sound excellent here. Thanks for the post!

At 6/06/2008 02:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't sleep on Tim Reynolds: he has always been playing Neil covers, with and without DM or the DMB. I think there are some vids of him playing 'Ohio' with TR3 from this spring.

Oh, and the Flying V kicks ass.

At 6/06/2008 03:05:00 PM, Anonymous Blargman said...

Dave Matthews is an overrated douchebag.

At 6/06/2008 06:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never liked him.Phony fabricated voice.The proof:he doesn't even sound like himself on that one.Too close to the original.Search for the Oasis version on youtube,way more energetic.

At 6/06/2008 07:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave is another great original. Long may he run...

At 6/06/2008 11:56:00 PM, Blogger Greg McGarvey said...

Neil's set with DMB on the Vote For Change tour (10/6/04?) is very very good, and there's an audience recording available with shockingly good sound. They do three songs and it lasts something like 45 minutes (or maybe closer to an hour? I forget).

At 6/07/2008 02:30:00 AM, Anonymous thom said...

dave matthews overrated..? well, i´d rather say that fuckin´ oasis is the most overrated band of the last 15 years, absolutely. dm and the dmb are great. great songwriter, singer, great musicians and performers. that´s how it is.
by the way, that´s a very, very good version.

cheers, thomas

At 6/07/2008 08:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost every cover of a NY song is kind of okay because the songs are strong. But compared to the originals... I don't know, I think I prefer NY. DMB is popular in the USA like Oasis is a typical UK band. The Oasis version of Hey Hey, My My isn't that bad.

At 6/07/2008 10:29:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oasis and Noel Gallagher absolutely own Dave Matthew. Get your head checked

At 6/07/2008 11:13:00 AM, Anonymous thom said...

go check yourself, dude..

At 6/07/2008 02:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oasis had two albums in them and then proved just how overrated they really were. A band based on very little other than attitude. The bargain bins suggest as much.

Back on topic...a great version of HHMM, although as mentioned earlier most NY covers are at least ok cos the originals are so strong.

At 6/08/2008 04:03:00 AM, Blogger Ben said...

Keller Williams does a great Hey Hey, My My.

At 6/08/2008 01:36:00 PM, Anonymous Simpson said...

I was planning on seeing DMB on their first night in Pittsburgh but nobody wanted to go with me so unfortunately I didn't get to go.

However, I saw the Pittsburgh set list and it wasn't much of what I had hoped. And I would have been pissed if I saw Dave and they didn't play Hey Hey, My My where I was I'm glad I didn't go...

Dave Matthews Band does great covers of Neil's songs. I love the version of Cortez with Warren Haynes off the Central Park Concert and they do a rockin' version of Hey Hey, My My!

At 6/11/2008 02:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oasis had two albums in them and then proved just how overrated they really were. A band based on very little other than attitude. The bargain bins suggest as much"

Wrong. Their third album is their best. And as for the bargain bin thing, again wrong. They are continuously one of the biggest selling bands around, you wont find Oasis albums in a bargin bin.

Again, back to the DMB thing, this version is alright but its not a patch on the Oasis cover.

At 6/11/2008 02:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Oasis version is miles better than this.

At 6/11/2008 06:05:00 AM, Blogger Claudia said...

Dave Matthews Band has long been one of the more entertaining bands of the last decade, the band hit the big time in 1994 with their album "Under the Table and Dreaming." Their second album, "Crash," helped the band achieve its first Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance for their song "So Much to Say." .Before My friend and I used to attend their concerts even their tickets are often sky high; Now we found a site where we can compare tickets prices for FREE in order to save some Dollars!!!

At 6/11/2008 08:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont like this one at all. Dave Matthews is a bit of an idiot. The Oasis cover is far superior.

At 6/13/2008 01:49:00 PM, Anonymous thom said...

why exactly is dave matthews an idiot?

At 8/03/2008 07:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just on Star 98.7's site, it's this awesome station in LA. They've got some really good info on DMB and they're giving tickets away to their next big event, too. Check it out!


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