"The ears are the windows to the soul": Neil Young at Brainstorm
Photo by jurvetson on Flickr
Neil Young was interviewed yesterday at the Fortune Brainstorm conference. Neil's message to technology executives was for more sophisticated digital-to-analog converters in PCs to deliver better sound quality.
From FORTUNE: Techland Neil Young takes on the iPod «:
"I don't know. We've been here three days and we've never heard the quality of music mentioned...which is what made music great," he said during a one-on-one interview conducted by Time exec John Huey.
Young said he was distressed at the short shrift the tech business has devoted to making music more "high res," his shorthand for richer and higher quality.
"The thing with music is you can't view it," lamenting how society has become accustomed to what he called "low-res music."
"People's understanding has been skewed by MP3s and convenience. It's important to get music out there...but not at the expense of quality," he said.
Watch video here.
Thanks Brian & Roger!
More on why sound matters.