Thanks for Supporting Thrasher's Wheat!
A big thanks to everyone for helping to support Thrasher's Wheat during the most recent Neil Young Europe tour leg. It's everyone's submissions of reviews, links, photos, videos, and comments that make doing this so much fun and rewarding.
We try and read and acknowledge everything that comes through but during the tours we get pretty behind on housekeeping and don't always say "thanks". So apologies if we didn't get back to you or post your info. As the days fly past will we lose our grasp Or fuse it in the sun?
So, the past months have been quite a ride here at Thrasher's Wheat as traffic continues to surge for the concert tour legs.
If you take a look at Google Trends, you can see some interesting data. Not unexpectedly, the close correlation between concert tour dates and traffic levels. We've also included,,, and as reference points.
Surprisingly, Thrasher's Wheat's traffic is comparable to during the tour.
Here's the ranking of traffic by country:
1. United States
2. United Kingdom
3. Canada
4. Germany
5. Spain
A new feature that we put up for the tour is a live traffic feed -- which is pretty cool -- that allows you to see where folks are coming and going. That's always available on the bottom of the right sidebar along with other trend data.
Again, thanks for supporting Thrasher's Wheat! We'll try and do it all over again in August!