Friday, September 12, 2008

For The Turnstiles, Again

All the sailors with their seasick mamas
Hear the sirens on the shore,
Singin' songs for pimps with tailors
Who charge ten dollars at the door.

It really is deja vu all over again.

Recall last fall's tour set off a somewhat furious reaction among fans dismayed by the price of tickets. Seeing Neil Young in small intimate theaters was going to set back fans some serious $'s and many were none to pleased as this Open Letter To Neil Young On Ticket Prices explained.

Here at Thrasher's Wheat we received over 100 comments on the subject with many rallying to Neil's defense while others accused Neil of "ripping off the people, skimming the top when there's no one around".

It was all really too disheartening to endure and brought us to the point of despairing over what the tour might actually bring.

But this comment on the controversy seemed to sum things up pretty well:
I have long enjoyed this site and I think the "Open Letter" makes good points.

But I am also disturbed by the number of blogs here from people who really seem angry and irrational (one person in particular who seems to vent constantly).

I want to suggest that there is a difference between a cultist, or a hero worshiper, and a fan. The former seems to think he knows the guy personally and that N.Y. owes him something -- the fanatics own a piece of him. It's creepy -- devotion turns to disappointment and even to hate.

A fan, on the other hand, might think this way: I just love this guy. Something about his music goes straight to the heart. I like some things he does better than other things. But ALL of it is interesting and sincere. I like his sensibility and his values. And I admire the sheer variety of the music and the consistent productivity -- very rare. In 4 to five years: Greendale; Prairie Wind; Living with War; and now Crome Dreams. Amazing. Who else in rock-pop-folk has produced so much, esp. in late middle age?

For me Neil Young is a man -- just a man. But what a heart. And look at the number of great and beautiful songs over 40-some years.

I have most of the albums and have seen him in concert three times -- every time he worked his ass off. I have no idea where the concert ticket money goes -- maybe to the Bridge School; maybe to fight for peace; maybe to pay musicians. But I have a certain amount of trust in this guy. He doesn't go on the road unless he has something to give. He doesn't put out an album unless he is saying something new -- even if it is with an old, and reportedly great, song. Anyone who thinks this guy does what he does just for the bucks has missed the musician amid the cultism and gossip. To me it is worth the ticket prices to see what Young is up to now -- to hear the new stuff and some new takes on the old

When Springsteen came through my town a couple years ago doing acoustic folk and charging even more than Young is now I chose not to pay. I admire him, but not that much. Not at those prices. Everyone is free to choose. It's our right.

Make a choice, but don't impugn the man's music or motives.

And if you don't want to hear Peggy Young, don't buy her record; don't go to the opening act. If it bothers you that Neil Young loves his wife -- well, keep that sad pathology to yourself, I say. Too bad more husbands don't love their wives more.

I'm grateful this man is still out here -- working hard; speaking out; creating new art; and letting us hear it live.

So the with the 2008 North American tour, folks have the opportunity to pay $75 for a General Admission ticket that they can use to get on the rail within a few feet of Neil. That's right. The cheapest ticket allows the possibility of having the closest vantage point. And we hear folks complain that they can't stand for hours at a concert. Well think about what you're saying with that statement. That's about you yourself. Not about the hundreds or thousands who can not afford $250+ seats yet will have a better view than those who pay 3 times the price.

And then there was Bob Lefstez going off big time last year:
An act’s worth depends on its fanbase. You have to nurture it, respect people, make them feel they’re along for the ride with you. At these prices, people feel like they’re being held up at gunpoint. And, NOT EVERY NEIL YOUNG FAN RAPED AND PILLAGED AND IS NOW RICH!

Only Neil is rich. But obviously, he needs more.

Yet, after all the wailing and gnashing last time around, we found it very interesting that not a single person wrote us to say they felt as if they did not receive their money's worth.

We hate to feel that somehow it's our "job" to defend Neil. Certainly Neil doesn't need it nor do we feel compelled to rise to his defense over anything he does. But at the same time, we receive these plaintive missives about long time fans who feel they've been wronged.

Certainly, there are many legitimate fans for who this is a hardship and not in line with their perception on what Neil is all about. And that's fine. What troubles us is that this feels eerily similar to the blowback during Greendale, Living With War and Freedom of Speech. We never quite shook the sense that the bitching and moaning was a contrived effort to drive a wedge into Neil's fan base.

This behavior most often manifests itself as concern trolls. These are "life long Neil fans who have bought all his albums and gone to all of his shows" yet charge that Neil is a sellout who's politics have made him lose his way.

We find these comments to be so absurd. Like those who went to the CSNY Freedom of Speech tour in 2006 -- and illustrated in the Deja Vu film -- and were shocked that it was a political concert and not just about music.

So here's a typical rant we received the other day (it's kind of sad actually) on the pre-Sales:
"can someone explain this logicly>>

Durring last years north american tour, we had major duscussions and arguments regarding ticket prices. The main argument for $ 100-200 priced tickets was that he was playing small halls, intimate environment before 1500-2000 people.
So what now ? He's multiplied the seating capacity for this tour by 10-fold to 15,000- 20,000 people
$ 135-250 for shittier seats.
Now you tell me that Neils management didnt read all the comments from last years tour and tell Neil : Hey, these morons will defend you no matter what you charge.Screw 'em.Lets charge more and let the brain -dead fans justify it to the complaining fans !"

Now tell us how one can be a life long fan and have that reaction?! It makes no sense whatsoever. Which is why we feel there are these astroturfing sock/meat puppets who submit these straw man comments.

What we did hear was tons of comments along the lines of "Ambulance Blues was worth the price of admission alone" by Hilltop on the Minneapolis, MN, November 8, 2007 concert.

Or this comment:
Man, I don't like paying through the nose for tickets any more than anybody else, but you know what? In the greater scheme of things -- given the way I am willing to bet most of the people who frequent this site spend their money, regardless of their tax bracket -- $157 per seat is not that big a deal.

How much money do you piss away on other stuff? How much do you spend on CDs? How much do you spend for cable or your cell phone or your video games or your DSL? How much do you spend to drive a newer car? How much do you spend on organic food or food, period? To each his own -- spend your money however you please, of course. I'm just saying that, by and large, we're a bunch of fat and happy middle-classers who only get irate about anything when it's expensive. Because we're taught that the point of life is to have everything as cheap as possible. So now we can't have our cake AND cheap seats to Neil, too? Boo fucking hoo.

And for all you noble proletarians grumbling over Neil's "hypocrisy": Gee, at what point did it finally hit you that Neil is an enormously wealthy rock star? He hasn't been an "Ordinary Person" since the 1960s, which is why that song, despite any power it might have, is ultimately a crock. It's Neil getting weepy over the mythical salt-of-the-earth. Good for him. I'd like to see those good ol' sensible, hardworking folk rise up and make things right, too. But they won't, because they don't exist. Or if they do, they are us. But we won't do a damned thing about Iraq, about poverty, about the environment, or antyhing else. We won't Be the Rain because, by and large, we don't want to Be Bothered. We will pay attention only when it becomes too painful to avoid doing so, and by then it will probably be too late.

Still, even if his songs or public pontificating may occasionally ring a little hollow, Neil doesn't require working-class "credibility" to make great good music. Anybody who believes you have to squat in a building and take a vow of poverty to make great art needs to grow up.

See you in the orchestra seats, Ordinary People.

We've got the ambulance blues. All of you critics sit alone. And walk on.

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At 9/12/2008 10:23:00 AM, Anonymous baconus66 said...

My theory has always been there are alot of negative people out there who will always be negative, no matter what. Neil could do a free tour and these people would complain. My thoery on the best way to deal with these people read or listen and laugh.

I am going to San Diego and LA from AZ to see Neil for the first time since I was 5 or 6. In the end it is going to cost me abot 300 dollars and if my dad didn't decide to come it would have cost me about twice that but I have absolutely doubt whatsoever that it will and would have been worth every cent and probably much much more.

The only thing I have ever complained about with Neil was it has been a long time since he has been in Arizona, but I don't feel entitled to a concert in Tucson or even Arizona I just would prefer it. If he were to come to AZ I would be ecstatic probably even more ecstatic than I am now, but whatever.

75-100$ is not that bad for GA tickets at all in comparison to many other bands tour during the same time. The Who at The Palace of Auburn Hills is 75-350$. Madonna at MSG is 65-350$ with every floor seat being 350$. This is the current trend of concerts they are far more expensive than they were but can we complain? First of all if you think driving your car, truck, or SUV is expensive think about all the equitment and people that Nel has to lug around. Then the other thing every one must consider is what Neil is doing with the money. I may be wrong but I doubt Neil is just hording the money. I am sure he is using the money for various cause The Bridge, Farm Aid, LinkVolt, or some other worthy cause.

Neil is touring and rocking out from what I hear. So me I am happy.

At 9/12/2008 10:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$50 tickets are available in Chicago/Rosemont.
They may be in the rafters, but they ARE available.


At 9/12/2008 10:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ticket inflation - at leat here in Toronto - isn't really that drastic. I sat on the floor for the Weld/Ragged Glory tour for 50 bucks. I'm on the floor now 17 years later for 75.

At 9/12/2008 11:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the concerts aren't getting more expensive.
Perhaps the dollar is just getting cheaper.

At 9/12/2008 02:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In responce to :
"My theory has always been there are alot of negative people out there who will always be negative, no matter what. Neil could do a free tour and these people would complain. "

THIS is absolute bullshit. I saw Neil Young, CSNY, Stills-Young, over 200 times and never had anything negative to say until Neil went insane with ticket prices.

"The Who at The Palace of Auburn Hills is 75-350$. Madonna at MSG is 65-350$ with every floor seat being 350$. This is the current trend of concerts they are far more expensive than they were but can we complain? "

Ticket prices for Neil are not reasonable and every Neil fan shoudl be speaking out , nbot making excuses. Madonna ?? Are we gonna compare Neil to Madonna ?
The Who ? The greatest intheir prime, but lets remember that they have done nothign relevant in decades and they are a nostalgia act now, only touring to make alot of $$$.No art here.
Try comparing Neil to other repsectable songwriters who are still relevant; Dylan, Jackson Browne and the like.Tickets are $40-70 and theyre still making plent of $$$.

"First of all if you think driving your car, truck, or SUV is expensive think about all the equitment and people that Nel has to lug around. "

SO ??? that has always been factored in

"Then the other thing every one must consider is what Neil is doing with the money."

Again , absolute BULLSHIT. I do not give a damn what he does with the $. He can buy cars, buy pot, give it to his family, whatever he likes. This is totaly irrelevant to ticket prices.

Someone mentioned inflation and the ticket prices.Well, educate yourself first. You cant compare a standing GA ticket to say 5th row center seat. you're comparing apples to oranges.But if you want to consider inflation.........
your 1991 orchestra seat in Totonrto that was $ 50, with adjustment for inflation, would be $ 69.59.But how much are the seat closest to the stage ? Triple that or quadruple ?
I paid $ 35 in 1992 to see Neil from the 7th row center. Adjust for inflation and that is now $ 54.87. BUT in the same city I am now expected to pay $ 270.Explain that bullshit.More than 5 times the price after adjustment for inflation. In 1974 I paid $ 15 to see CSNY.Adjusted for inflation that is now $ 66.93. NOT $ 200 +.

I just wish more people would deal with reality. same story.Neil could charge $ 5000 a ticket and you'd still excuse it.
It comes down to reasonable.
Neil can charge $ 50-100 and still make a fortune.
Its called GREED !

At 9/12/2008 02:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No you are not expected to pay 270. GA - ie the opportunity to be as close, or even closer to the stage than you were in 91 - are 70-80 dollars everywhere. The 270 dollar seats are for the stands.

Capitalism is a rotten system, but you can't expect anyone - including Neil Young - to act any differently, given the prevailing social productive relations. Expend your energy thinking about how the human species can do better than we have now. Save the planet for another day and stop being a restless consumer. Its pretty screwed up that it is easier for us to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalist social property relations.

At 9/12/2008 02:31:00 PM, Blogger ethan said...

I wimped out on the small theater tour because of ticket prices. I would have had to drive about 5 hours for the show. In retrospect, considering the venues and the set lists, I should have done the drive and spent the $$. When this tour was announced I was ready to spring for it, and then I saw the size of the venues and said, screw it. Between Thrashers Wheat and YouTube I can follow the tour. I am not gonna drive hours and drop big $$ to see Neil in an arena. I would rather see Neil than anyone else but I have gotten used to seeing shows in such intimate venues that the whole mega-arena thing just sucks in my opinion.

At 9/12/2008 02:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Jackson Browne may be relevant to people over 50 but nothing compared to Neil for under 30s crowd.

And, yes Madonna is a relevant comparison--she moves forward, adapts & changes, with a large, international, devoted fanbase. Plus, she has had a very long career. You don't need to like the music to respect her abilities.


At 9/12/2008 02:52:00 PM, Blogger RSS said...

i saw neil 3 times this year. all shows were great. if you have an opportunity to see him....go. screw the prices he gives 300% in every show. GO......I really mean it.....GO. He was genius.

At 9/12/2008 02:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madonna is to music what a prostitute is to sex.
Can't compare Madonna to a real artist.

At 9/12/2008 03:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Capitalism is a rotten system, but you can't expect anyone - including Neil Young - to act any differently, given the prevailing social productive relations."

TOTAL BULLSHIT. I expect better from Neil. He talked about doing small halls sometimes to get back in touch with fans,..... but now it's like "lets see how deep into their pockets I can go". Yes, I do expect Neil to treat his real fans better. I have no problem with him getting richer and richer.....but why the need to price so many people out of seeing him in decent seats ? He touts himself as this uncommercial,independent, I dont care if anyone buys my CD guy- as if to say "I'm not in it for the $, I'm an artist"....then he turns around and slams the fans for absurd $ to see a 2 hour concert.
what noone realy comments on is there is no need for such excessive greed and YES, I do expect better from Neil Young if I am to take him seriously as an artist.

At 9/12/2008 03:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not greed. It is the logic of the system itself, and given that logic, Young is relatively progressive.

As well, an artists' work shuold always be separated from an artists' business practices. Picasso had impeccable politics and was a brilliant painter. Should he not have allowed his paintings to sell for millions? Should we discount his work because he was a wife beater?

If you don't like the logic of our prevailing mode of exchange, try to build an alternative. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy my 70 dollar GA seat, hang by the soundboard where the mix is the best and enjoy the show.

At 9/12/2008 03:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny. For 40 years then Neil had a different attitude.
Damn, all the excuses again.
Neil Crack

At 9/12/2008 03:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is not greed"

Guy is worth over $ 50 million dollars.even if he never works in any capcity again, he has more $ comming in than most of us can dream of.
there is no need for him to charge prices like these. He knows he is alientating ALOT of fans, but figures there's enough schmucks who will pay it and excuse it.

I have aprox 20 local friends who are big neil young fans.People I have alwyas gone to shows with for many many years. NONE are going this time.NONE. ZERO. and only one reason.....THE REDICULOUS PRICES.

At 9/12/2008 04:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Can't compare Madonna to a real artist.

The subject wasn't 'art' or your perception as to what is art.

The subject is the price of ticket pricing and the relative value to that performers fan base. Nothing else. It's the value to the moment and a stage performance, whether or not it's 'art' or entertainment is irrelevant.

You think only Neil fans bitch about ticket cost $$$?

At 9/12/2008 05:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the complainers. Get over it. I have paid more to take my wife to see a broadway show. I spend more to take the family to see a Detroit Red Wings game. I pay more to fill up my gas tank and go to the north woods of Michigan.

I just purchased 2 great seats at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan. 88 bucks each. Throw Wilco in the mix, compare to other event prices, I say it is a bargain.

The 250 dollar seats? If I had to cash, I would buy those. It is worth it to me. Those seats will sell, because the market will bear it. To those who will not spend the money, that's cool as well. But get used to it, the ticket prices are not that far out of line when compared to many.

For Coldplay, those same exact seats I have cost 190.00 each. Too steep for me because I am not a Coldplay fan. I don't begrudge them for that price though. Pay it or don't pay it.

Free will.

At 9/12/2008 06:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>Free will.


At 9/12/2008 06:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this site and I will first, once again, praise you for your fine job. That said, an awful lot of words were used here to tell both sides of an argument, but at the end of the day, the feeling I get is that YOUR opinion is that prices over 80 to 100 dollars for high quality music in a 2,000 seat venue is an acceptable option. I couldn't pretend to know the economics, but Neil certainly could afford, if he is so into the music (which is obvious)to make sure that prices are kept down. Charging 200 plus dollars for tickets shouldn't, in my opinion, be up for debate. It's plain obscene. I'm not a cult-member. I'm a huge fan, but my opinion of Neil is slightly diminished by him not being a responsible guy at the wheel, allowing this elitist behavior to go on in his name. Yes, we all have a choice - right! No, we don't. Many of us can't just say Neil's worth 200 dollars and Springstein isn't. It's an insane amount of money to ask anyone to shell out for a single day's music and it is not inclusive of the ordinary people that Neil speaks about in the albums he is currently selling. It was brought up another time that Bob Dylan doesn't charge usually more than 80 dollars a ticket. Glad that Neil is offering cheaper tickets on this tour at least. I just get particularly steamed when folks say that everyone has a choice as to whether they want to pay 150 dollars for a concert ticket or not.

At 9/12/2008 07:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil Young?
Show starts @ 7 pm?
4+ hours of great music?
75 bucks?
I am so there!

a via chicagoan

At 9/12/2008 07:10:00 PM, Blogger Thrasher said...

To 5:40 above:

Just for the record, I never tried to defend $200 seats. This post argued that $75 got you within feet of the stage.

I fail to see how anyone could say that Neil & Wilco aren't worth $75 for on the rail?!

At 9/12/2008 07:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever the ticket prices may be, as long as fans keep payin', the performers and their management and the venues will keep chargin'.

Just think, if for one season EVERYONE refused to attend a concert, so that the venues were virtually empty, you tell me what prices would be charged next time around? (And, in fact, if there were insufficient advance ticket sales to begin with, the concerts would probably all be cancelled, as we've seen many a performer do in the past.)

Piss and moan all you want -- there are ALWAYS enough people with liquid money willing to lay it out for their favorite performer, regardless of the amount.

At 9/13/2008 12:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the argument has become
- 75 $ is not that bad.
- 250 $ is way too much

None of us Neil defenders are saying that you should buy the 250$ seats in fact no one is saying you should buy any tickets at all.

If you don't think the money is worth don't go. I on the other hand think it is worth it. Music is what I spend my money on. I am 19 attending college and don't have a job. Not exactly a lucrative position but I do have enough to go see Neil in San Diego and LA coming from AZ. I am may be brock after this but it will be 100%worth it. Just like last spring when I spent nearly 800$s almost everything I had saved up through my childhood to go to Bonnaroo the music fest in TN. It was the most amazing four days of my life.

Everyone needs to decide if what they are buying is worth the price. As someone earlier said Freewill.

At 9/13/2008 03:17:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not that happy with the way the prices are going but 75 dollars doesn't seem too bad.

To me this is all about the archives - a normal record company would not make much money from this sort of release (and the other volumes on the way).

For a real Neil fan these volumes will just be amazing. Who knows how much stuff they'll have in them.

I hear Neil has recorded just about every gig he has done so will these all be available to add to the archives at your leisure for a smal price?

That would be great. Metallica do it on their website - offer every concert for about 10 dollars and they are great quality.

Who knows what Neil has in store for us - I hope he does a small club tour and really brings the prices down - but doesn't advertise the fact (a bit like the European shows earlier in the year) where hopefully real fans can get tickets first.

I thought long and hard about the expense of going to the second Manchester show in the UK in March (having tickets for the first show & Edinburgh) and it was possibly one of THE nights of the whole Euro tour with 4 encores. If I had missed that I would regret that for my whole life.

My mate got me a ticket for Oasis at an arena in the UK (similar to the 'cowsheds' it seems he is playing in the US) for a similar GA price but I didn't take it - its my choice.

I'd rather put it towards whatever Neil has in store for us next year in Europe (hopefully) or a visit to the US.


At 9/13/2008 04:02:00 AM, Anonymous Dave from Australia said...

I'm just thankful that I'm getting a chance to see my all time favorite artist in my own country - Australia - for what will no doubt be the last time. By the time I pay for tickets, hotels, airfares etc to travel around the country it will set me back over $2K. And I will gladly part with every cent.

No one is forcing me to do it. It is a choice I am making. Yes, I'm fortunate that I can be in a situation that allows me to spend this amount to do this. I will have to scrimp and save and it will all be on the credit card but I know that I'll regret it if I dont do it...

Its simple really. If you dont want to spend $300 on a seat to see Neil, then dont. But stop bitching about it. The sad thing is when you guys in the U.S. who are moaning about the cost get another chance next year or the year after to go to the next tour spare a thought for those of us that get this opportunity on average, once a decade.

At 9/13/2008 04:02:00 AM, Anonymous Dave from Australia said...

I'm just thankful that I'm getting a chance to see my all time favorite artist in my own country - Australia - for what will no doubt be the last time. By the time I pay for tickets, hotels, airfares etc to travel around the country it will set me back over $2K. And I will gladly part with every cent.

No one is forcing me to do it. It is a choice I am making. Yes, I'm fortunate that I can be in a situation that allows me to spend this amount to do this. I will have to scrimp and save and it will all be on the credit card but I know that I'll regret it if I dont do it...

Its simple really. If you dont want to spend $300 on a seat to see Neil, then dont. But stop bitching about it. The sad thing is when you guys in the U.S. who are moaning about the cost get another chance next year or the year after to go to the next tour spare a thought for those of us that get this opportunity on average, once a decade.

At 9/13/2008 10:57:00 AM, Anonymous Tom said...

>I have aprox 20 local friends
>who are big neil young
>fans.People I have alwyas gone to shows
>with for >many many years.
>NONE are going this time.NONE.
>ZERO. and only one reason.....

There must be another reason. $75 is not ridiculous. For some reason you and your 20 big neil young fans are unwilling to stand at a rock and roll concert. I don't get it. Would you really prefer to sit?

$250 to sit far from the action - count me out, but $75 in todays concert world to see one of the greatest live performers ever from as close as I want - count me in (and I'm not 20 years old anymore either).

At 9/13/2008 04:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" at the end of the day, the feeling I get is that YOUR opinion is that prices over 80 to 100 dollars for high quality music in a 2,000 seat venue is an acceptable option. I couldn't pretend to know the economics, but Neil certainly could afford, if he is so into the music (which is obvious)to make sure that prices are kept down. Charging 200 plus dollars for tickets shouldn't, in my opinion, be up for debate. It's plain obscene. I'm not a cult-member. I'm a huge fan, but my opinion of Neil is slightly diminished by him not being a responsible guy at the wheel, allowing this elitist behavior to go on in his name."

I think this quote is the best comment I have read to date that not only hits the nail on the head, but it is also the point that is so being ignored by many who support the idea that Neil is ok charging these prices. Neil has definately dimished himself and has gotten a bit too greedy in my humble opinion.
Some of us can afford it and many cant, but that isnt the issue.Is Neil being ethical to his fans who have made it possible for him to live well as a free artist for 40 years ? Neil has been very fortunate to have us.Although he works hard when he plays and certainly deserves to be successful, he has never had to work a real job in his adult life thanks to both his talent and his fans... many of those fans being 20,30, 40 year fans . the fans deserve better than to have to shell out over $ 500 for a couple to see one show in good seats.

At 9/13/2008 11:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From an economic standpoint, the music industry has changed radically over the past few years with CD sales dropping to almost nil, Itunes doesn't make up 10% of the royalties an artist once made on music sales, and digital technology means that an artist's lifetime work of recorded music is now being ripped free by thousands of people. The only way an artist can make money today is by playing concerts (the only exception is Neil with the 'upcoming' archives) ... In the old days Neil could play a 60-90 city tour but now he's in his 60s, rockin better than ever, but probably too old to play every night. So, loss of record sales plus less concerts = higher prices if he hopes to make the kind of money he used to make. Bottom line, is if the trove of recorded material might not generate the long term royalty stream it once would have he needs to monetize his canon by making money on concerts. That might be obscene to the average fan but he's a world class artist and deserves to be compensated and record sales, the old cash cow of the music business, has gone the way of the buggy whip. Its not anyone's business what he does with the money but he's got disabled children, the Bridge School to support, and a lifestyle he want to maintain even after he's too old to tour ('ie' he could retire when he hits 100). Maybe he realizes that the gravy train might not last forever and therefore is charging what other top acts are charging ... the fact that he's giving people a $75 option makes it harder to criticize him.

At 9/15/2008 02:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you dont wanna pay ticket prices then dont. however they could be alot more expensive with the demand for them. be thankdul that you are not being charged ebay prices from ticket outlets. if people can sell tickets on ebay for triple the price then clearly the ticketmasters of this world are being quite generous. i did see neil play in europe this year. i did debate whether or not to go because of the ticket prices. Ticket prices are high yes but because of greedy bastards they could be a lot higher

At 9/15/2008 03:35:00 PM, Anonymous Marian M. said...

I just spoke with Ticketmaster and then MSG Box Office and then Customer Relations. I was told that Floor Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 are General Admission (Standing) for $89.50, the area closest to the stage.

Tickets for $254.50 are the sections behind these sections (Sections 5, 6, 7, etc.).

I asked if these Floor Seating sections will be raised; they said, no, it's Floor Seating. The stage should be about 10' high, so we can look up over the heads of those standing in front of us.

This somehow does not make sense to me, but I've been reminding myself that the most important thing is the music.

So I say buy what you can afford and enjoy the show!

Marian M.

At 9/16/2008 07:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the $ 250 seats at various venues are just a complete ripoff.We're not talking first 10 rows in front of the stage. We're often looking at seats VERY FAR AWAY.
Some of the Canadian shows are cheaper and some decent seats can be had for $ 75-100. For $ 250 , I can see see 2 or 3 Canadian shows.Better deal all around.
Best bet, in my opinion, is Winnipeg. What better place to see Neil than the city he grew up in....... the city he first started making music in. Should be
an emotionaly inspiring show. How often has he played Winnipeg over the years ? Rarely.
also hoping he plays alot of his
"canada" songs on the Canadian part of the tour : Dont be Denied, Times Fades away, JTTP, Four strong winds, Helpless etc. Could be a nice set.
Boycott $ 250 seats that arent
close to the stage !!! You people have the power.

At 9/16/2008 10:50:00 PM, Blogger art said...

I tried to get presale tickets at MSG and got shut out. My wife got through and balked at the available $250 price tag. I tried to get tickets from Ticketmaster express, finally got through a little after 10 and could only get a pair of section 300s, way upstairs at the Garden. On a whim I tried again at about 11:30 and bought a pair in section 6 for the $250. I'm a little confused by the process, but on December 15 I'll be a happy camper, for sure. Wilco and Neil-PRICELESS!

At 9/18/2008 06:51:00 PM, Blogger ShittyHorse said...

Christ! Im just afraid Im gonna get beat up at the Garden cause I got GA for $75. Is someone who paid $250. sitting behind me gonna try and jump my ass during Spirit road? LOOKOUT JOE!

At 9/19/2008 02:31:00 AM, Blogger art said...

No way dude! Consider this a virtual high five for scoring the GA tickets. I'm too old to stand/dance for four hours and will be glad to sit occasionally, but I've considered trading my $250 floor seats (I got the tickets today) for those $75 GAs, straight up. But then I sat down until the feeling passed. Hooray for both of us!

At 9/25/2008 01:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$250 is too much for mediocre mezzanine seats. I’m guessing that Neil’s fan base, for the most part is probably like me, ~48 years old with enough of disposable income to buy tickets each time he tours. I’ve been to at least 20 shows and not about to stop now. I think Neil’s management is charging the maximum for what the audience will bear. So they feel “let’s keep raising ticket prices until we stop selling out the venues”. The problem is that many people will spend whatever it takes because there will be a time when Neil decides not to tour anymore and we will all be very sad about that. So in effect, they are taking advantage of this fact. I would feel a whole lot better if I knew a big portion of these overpriced tickets were going to the Bridge School or some other worthy cause. Last year many rationalized the high ticket prices because the venues were smaller. This year the venues are larger and the prices are higher yet. There’s an intense amount of greed in their somewhere, I just hope Neil is just as upset about it as we are.

At 9/26/2008 10:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line is that NEIL is the boss. He knows what tickets costs and he approves of it before anytihng is put in motion. It is greed and it is unfortunate. It is not reasonable or ethical, but it just gets worse.
" A millionare through a businessmans eyes " .

At 9/26/2008 04:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! listening to all you whining fucks is lame. Get a life or a hobby or something

At 9/30/2008 11:45:00 AM, Anonymous terje said...

thrasher's wheat is such a sycophant site. neil is "ripping off the people" and this ass-kissing site goes along with it. i love the music but the man is as full of shit as he always is. btw neil, i saw a nationally touring band this summer for $12 that matched the intensity of the '91 tour. suck on that.


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