Interview with Deja Vu's Josh Hisle

From interview with Josh Hisle, the soldier in the film Deja Vu in Glide Magazine:
Q: I’m sure you’ve listened to Neil’s album Living With War, and I know you got to see a show on the CSNY tour. Did you believe in what CSNY were doing? Is there a place for that – for someone to sing about war, someone who doesn’t have to go to Iraq and risk his or her life?
Josh Hisle: Well, yeah! I think Neil’s fighting a big fight there, I don’t think he’s criticizing us in any way. I know he loves the boys on the ground. I think his mission…I know he says, “Songs can’t change the world and stuff,”…but you fuckin’ know that’s what he wants. And that’s his mission, and I know that it’s wholehearted. It’s not a money-driven thing; he wants to see us pulled out of there. I think he wrote that record to stir, to debate, and to start talking about some of this shit, to make people aware. That’s the way I feel about it. And I thought about working with him after Mike asked me, I didn’t just say, “Yes.” I gave it some thought – I was fresh out of the Marine core when he called me! But I had these songs that completely matched with his, same ideals, and I’ve always loved his music, so I thought, “If we can change some hearts and minds, let’s do it.”