Just Writing a Blog Won't Change The World
Neil's comment earlier this year that "Music Can't Change World" prompted a massive world-wide reaction. And in reaction, Neil wrote a new song called "Just Singing A Song Won't Change The World" which has also been the subject of a great deal of commentary.
And by the same token, just writing a blog won't change the world either. But we wanted to take a moment to point out a change over there in the right sidebar. We've been pondering the implications of making such an overt political statement here on Thrasher's Wheat for quite some time now.
We realize that the intersection of politics and music makes many folks uncomfortable. Yet, politics is an unavoidable fact of life with which we can choose to engage in order to try and make the world a better place or ignore at our own peril.
So we didn't take the decision to add the Obama widget to the sidebar lightly. However, we felt that we could not continue without showing our support for the politics of hope and change.
After watching Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin at the Republican convention last week, we feel the time has come take a stand. Here's some things we know about John McCain's running mate:
- supports censoring library books
- advocates drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge
- denies global warming is caused by man
- does not believe in evolution
It is these types of positions that we find so repugnant that we feel we have little choice but to try and make a small difference in this race. Palin is the true face of the Republican Party and voters should not be fooled by McCain's "I was a POW so vote for me" campaign. The Palin selection signifies a continuation Rove-style wedge politics and another battle front of the culture wars. And we certainly don't need another neocon who wants to start a war in Iran.
No more suspension of habeas corpus. No more extraordinary rendition. No more warrantless wiretapping. No more torture. Don't need no more lies.
"Lookin' for a Leader" Or Show Me The Way and I'll Follow You Someday.