Concerts Postponed Due to LincVolt?
UPDATE: We are hearing that the postponements are due purely to logistics. We did not mean to imply anything nefarious so apologies. Lincvolt is scheduled to be at the conference cited.
As has been reported, the November concerts in Omaha & Kansas City have been "postponed" due "routing logistics".
And now comes this news:
SAN FRANCISCO - August 26, 2008 - (NYSE: CRM), the market and technology leader in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), today announced Dreamforce 2008, the SaaS event of the year. Special guests Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, executive director Dr. Larry Brilliant, legendary singer, songwriter, musician and Linc Volt team member Neil Young and Dell chairman and CEO Michael Dell will join chairman and CEO Marc Benioff to speak at the 6th annual user and developer conference, November 2–5.
We have no idea where this press release has been since August but it just showed up in our comment log.
So could Neil really be canceling concerts to speak at a software conference about LincVolt? And how in the world did the concerts get scheduled in the first place when Neil already had made a scheduling commitment back in August?
We know some (maybe many?) of you will find this -- how should we say -- troubling? Earlier this year, Neil said that "just singing a song won't change the world". And he even wrote and performed a song of the same subject this summer.
So Neil seems to have truly taken the spirit of the song to heart by postponing concerts to discuss his LincVolt project.
We're not really sure where to begin on this? First we whole heartedly support the LincVolt mission. The LincVolt project has more potential to change the world than his concerts or releasing The Archives or whatever.
But the fallout on this is not going to be pretty we suspect.

So what's the deal, Neil?