Sunday, November 09, 2008

An Open Letter to TW Readers

It's been a long time comin'. It's goin' to be a long time gone.

For many of us, Neil's music is the soundtrack of our lives and helps us feel and express our world views.

We've got a man of the people who says keep hope alive. We've been lookin' for a leader. Someone to show us the the way that we might follow someday. We came to Chicago for the help that we could bring. We can change the world. Rearrange the world. Strange things happen when worlds collide. And, finally, a sea change is at hand.

Thrasher's Wheat has taken some pretty heavy hits over the past months over what we've been doing to bring about regime change. We refused to backdown in the face of a fairly severe backlash. But we've been heartened by all of the support we've received also.

While just writing a blog won't change the world, we feel pretty good about being part of making history happen last week.

Lincoln Memorial, 11/5/08, 12:15 AM

Maybe now we're one step further from Alabama's southern man?

So see you on the Mall in January!

"We've got a man of the people who says keep hope alive"

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At 11/09/2008 02:04:00 PM, Anonymous Mother Nature on the Run said...

Sometimes you can be too close to it to notice any difference.

Every little bit helped here and there along the way. The youth did their part, Neil has always done his part to bring about change the best way he knows how, and so did you, Thrasher!

See ya in January!

At 11/09/2008 02:07:00 PM, Blogger Greg McGarvey said...

i can't help but feel that the critics of your blog ("How can you boo a free show?" - Conan O'Brien) should at least not sign as Anonymous. kinda makes them look like pussies. is it just me? at least manually type a first name at the end. haha. luckily i don't really care very much anyway... i respect the political content and occasional debates, but i come here for the genius of Neil Young. thanks for sharing it.

At 11/09/2008 08:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man of the people, say's keep hope alive? Good luck with that one. Genetics say people are most like pigs-pictures and history tell me they are most like sheep. Good luck with that one-Obama, at first sip his kool-aid tasted fine. Something told me not to drink it, soon the sheep shall spit it out.

At 11/09/2008 09:11:00 PM, Anonymous Just an ordinary dude of the people said...


At 11/09/2008 09:51:00 PM, Anonymous jeffry said...

Thrasher...thanks for all the good work you do..I really appreciate it...your blog is one of the few simple pleasures I have in life...not sure what the real issue is here.....there will always be small people with small minds. To disagree is fine and that is be disagreebale is have to realize.

Thanks again...Jeffry

At 11/09/2008 09:54:00 PM, Anonymous jeffry said...

you have to realize most people don't respond wither way and the ones that critize are a small but vocal minority.

Do your best..state your mind..stand you ground.and have a sense of humor...follow your muse
whatever you feel it is....sort of the Neil Young philospy of life!!!


Thanks again...Jeffry

At 11/09/2008 11:53:00 PM, Anonymous horsewifnoname said...

Being libertarian, i rarely vote dem or rep, but Obama is our president and I wish him well, I hope we aren't going to be quoting the Who.

" Meet the new boss, same as the old boss........."

peace, y'all

At 11/10/2008 02:30:00 AM, Blogger Ben said...

No matter how well Obama does or does not do, I don't think we the people shall find ourselves singing that great old song. The one thing that really hit me when Obama gave his acceptance speech is that he could not be any less like W. The two operate from totally different parts of the brain.

At 11/10/2008 08:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a message to all that critercise the blog...

If you don't like it..FUCK OFF!

At 11/10/2008 08:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and yes, i'm aware i've misspelled 'critersise' in that last post!

At 11/10/2008 08:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BWB is, was, will always be a simple-minded, spoiled little rich kid. History will prove him to be one of, if not the worst president in American history. His eight years as president were, in fact, only to benefit himself, his daddy and all their rich wasn't to help the American people in anyway shape or form as he did nothing but rape the middle class by taking money from their pockets, killing their sons and bankrupted their country all while we just bent over and took it...these last eight years says something about the American people...and it aint good. If we were any other country in the world we would have taken to the streets, rioted, picketed, demonstrated, protested and taken back our country...but instead most people sat home with their big TV's their full refrigerators, their guitar hero, Ipod and remained calm...we have become too fat and like good ole' GW spoiled. How will American handle it if this recession becomes worse? If it becomes a depression.... because it has the potential to do just that...I don’t think today's Americans can handle that...
The difference now with Obama is he's not the spoiled rich kid...he's one of us...not black, white but one of us and I feel he has the potential to make the American people proud again... to make up for all this bullshit we have all been dealing with for so damn long. To the people who say..."well he isn’t experienced enough" well.... maybe its time we had something different then these fat old 'experienced guys' who do nothing but take and never give back. All I have to say is really...give the man a chance. I believe he may do better then the biggest Obama fan feels he will do. I'm not trying to put us down I'm just saying we need to get out on the street once in a while and take a look at what’s happening. We need to be a proud, strong America again and I think Obama can help us do that. Give him a chance.

At 11/10/2008 09:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant GWB and sorry I didn't mean to publish twice.

At 11/10/2008 09:22:00 AM, Anonymous horsewifnoname said...

Ben, Pete shares your sentiment, eh?
check it out..........


At 11/10/2008 10:35:00 AM, Blogger glassharp said...

How interesting that the site used a picture from "Stand In The Gap" a Christian men's event that brought 1.25 million men together of all races and Christian backgrounds when talking about a man who hopes to unite the country.

At 11/11/2008 12:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama's going to be the CHANGE our Nation needs!

I am but a meager person of little income, I never finished school. I was too lazy I guess. While my friends were out working hard, I laid around listening to NEIL!

I gained more from Neil than they did working or studying-this I'm sure.

I don't know where I fit in the world. I want lots of money, but I can;t motivate to make it-O bama is my solution!

We will ALL finally have the same things. Same houses, cars and income! I can create my art and sell them for the same price as the "fancier" artist sell their stuff.

I'm sick of ALL the rich people, who don't work at all, that have tons of money and they want to keep it all for themselves!

WE POOR SHOULD GET IT MAN! SCREW THEM MAN! OBAMA's gonna take that money and give it to us deserving people!

Why ahould rich people get to keep their money?


At 11/11/2008 12:23:00 PM, Anonymous A Happy Gal said...

Dave above sounds like a bitter Mccain supporter. Better luck next time I guess.

Or as my Rebuplican friends told me in 2000 & 2004, "GET OVER IT!"

At 11/11/2008 02:14:00 PM, Anonymous luckypaul said...

You Americans electing a black man as president hasn't just changed things in America, a whole lot of people right around the world feel inspired by it.

I live in Bristol, England, this city carries a lot of shame from the days of the slave trade, many Bristollians made their fortunes from that trade.

Last Wednesday every black man seemed to stand an inch taller and at last it's possible to really feel the equality that has been striven for for decades.

JFK once said. "I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty." I don't know what he was actually refering to but I kinda think it could have been Obama.

At 11/11/2008 06:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A real man of the people....Now you have your annointed one who will "change" the world. I sure hope his Reverend of 20 years Rev. Jeremiah Wright didn't have much influence on him. Maybe he can find a space for Bill Ayers in his new cabinet. I hope everyone gets their money's worth! Bush should have kicked his ass in the Oval office! David in VA

I came on this site to see Neil but had to see BHO as well.

At 11/11/2008 08:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is for David in VA:

From USA Today/Gallup:

Nearly seven in 10 adults, or 68%, said they have a favorable opinion of President-elect Barack Obama. Almost that many — 65% — said they think the country will be better off four years from now.

"The reception he's getting is unlike anything we've seen in decades," says Andrew Kohut, director of the non-partisan Pew Research Center. "It's a very high set of expectations to live up to. On the upside, it means people are going to be pulling for him."

Joe the Pollster

At 11/12/2008 10:07:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it is time to get over yourself?

At 11/12/2008 11:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He sure didn't win the election by 68%.The double standard is something else...Sarah Palin is not qualified to be VP but Obama is qualified to be president. Half of the country has put us in a very dangerous position. In my county it was 70% McCain. I guess we'll see if he can provide the "change" that people have voted for. David

At 11/12/2008 02:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no double standard. The standard is, are the candidates intelligent enough to be in office. We've all seen where experience has gotten us, and it's not looking good. We needed a new direction, and that's what you get with Obama. The standard is the same. The fact is, McCain and Palin repeatedly showed they aren't very intelligent, or at least assumed the country isn't (which I don't blame them after the previous two elections), while Obama has shown he has a brain and actually believes in the American people instead of manipulating them for votes and eventually ripping them off.

If this election has proven anything, it's that stupid people just aren't capable of recognizing when other people are stupid are incapable. I'm glad I don't live in a county that didn't vote 70% for McCain...

At 11/12/2008 04:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is the Neil site, but this is probably worthy of the discussion. If you will notice, roughly half of voting americans voted for McCain, based on the stock market plummeting after the election shows the fear of his economic plans and liberal agenda. Obama has done nothing but make deals and run for office his whole career and then we have the blatent biased media who don't hold him accountable for any of his questionable associations. We will all see what happens...By the way, I'm proud the county I live in Bedford County, VA and the wisdom of the people who live here.

At 11/16/2008 03:26:00 PM, Blogger Tom James said...

I'm not really impressed with anything or anyone in Washington or Politics.

Appears to me things look pretty scary for the worker and common man in years to come.

I'm afraid free people now stand alone with no one to fight for them around the world.

Hope I am wrong.

Good luck with the socialist agenda and the death of rights and freedom.

After all it was just an experiment. Appears man just does not want to be free for very long and craves a caregiver and oppression. As history clearly demonstrates.

Crank up the opium dens and brain bandit (Televison and MSM) so the starving masses can escape reality and not fight back.

Afghanistan been cranking up the supply.


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