Archives Q & A Session is Now Open
NOTE: We are experiencing technical difficulties publishing comments on this post. Submitted comments are queued up and we hope to release later. Sorry. There is now a temporary thread in the meantime here.

The Neil Young Archives team will be fielding questions about Archives Volume 1 here in this thread on Tuesday, December 2nd. This will be the last informal forum like this before official details, a buyers guide and FAQ page are posted on next week.
The purpose of this question and answer session is to help people understand:
* What is Neil Young Archives Vol 1?
* What are the differences between the Blu-ray and DVD editions?
* How do you play the Archives? What kinds of choices are there in players?
* What is BD-Live? How does it relate to the Archives?
In our previous visit here to Thrashers Wheat, the readers dubbed me "Test Pilot" and I adopted it as a screen name to separate my comments from the other nameless and anonymous contributors. Now our testing is over, so I'll be signing on with a more timely and appropriate name:
Archives Guy
NOTE: You can now subscribe by email to a discussion thread. Each comment submitted will generate an email. See bottom right below comment entry box for link.