Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Song - "Get behind the wheel"

Neil Young and his Electric band - Get behind the wheel - (This is a Love Song) - Madison Square Garden -15-12-2008

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At 12/27/2008 10:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get behind the wheel of the Gold and chrome Masters. Drive, drive, and drive, on to greener pastures. Stomp down hard on the carbon footprint. Then see the fools go over the cliff, to the sound of the Gold Masters laughter. P.S. Al Gore can explain this-but he won't.

At 12/28/2008 07:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil is the man! This is sooo good! Anyone else think he's getting better with age? He just keeps churning these great songs out. Mark my words, this will end up as much a crowd favourite as Cortez, Hurricane etc... OK, OK - I can't keep a straight face - it's rubbish Neil, an absolute stinker - one of many these days...

At 12/28/2008 08:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well. Taste differs. I really like it. I also like Cough up the bucks and Fuel Line. Just Singing a Song and Light a Candle is also OK. If every concert just had Cortez, Hurricane, DBTR and Powderfinger, it would be a little boring. I even hope the new songs will be released on CD. Well, that's my opinion.

At 12/28/2008 10:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got to get behind the mule
in the morning and plow

those are the lyrics, right?

At 12/28/2008 12:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Neil needs some quick cash.
- Jessie James

At 12/28/2008 12:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Anonymous said...if Neil only played good songs, they'd get boring...hence the need for a piece of crap like this. It's Nietzschean, man, no good without the bad.

At 12/28/2008 02:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Neil must be a Tom Waits fan. the backing vocal part sounds exactly like GET BEHIND THE MULE, no question about it. Except this song is nowhere as good.

I'm sure it ain't deliberate... but you can't deny it if you've heard both songs.

At 12/28/2008 06:53:00 PM, Anonymous thom said...

hands down: those new tunes suck. they really do - badly. if he released them? oh, of course i´d buy the fucking record! why? because i buy every neil young album. i´m a faaaaaan, you know.. but i´d probably play that thing 3 or 4 times at the most, like "are you passionate" - his WORST album EVER. yes, the worst. even worse than "everybody´s rockin´". sometimes it´s hard to be a fan. it´s not easy at times. why he wrote that shit and why he´ll probably release it - i don´t know. and for heaven´s sake: please don´t tell me it´s because of the money. you don´t believe that yourself, do you!? as i mentioned before, he released AYP in 2002, and i was really shocked, because to me that was THE lowpoint. but then he put out "greendale" and "prairie wind", which i both like very, very much. "living with war" kicked some ass, and there´s some good stuff on "chrome dreams II", too. so let´s be confident that he´ll write some more GOOD songs in the near future. but i´m not dissapointed if he doesn´t - because i don´t expect anything brilliant anymore these days. let´s be fucking honest: he´s done his best work. and i love his body of work. i like some albums better than others, but i think that is all of us, isn´t it? i´m glad he´s still around. saw him two times this year, that´s something i´ll never forget. those shows were mindblowing. and i´m grateful for that. mr. neil won´t be around forever. same with us, right? but, hey, i´m only 28, so i´ll outlive some you guys, don´t you think? :-) seriously: let us be happy about the way it is, let us be peaceful. i´m excited about the things to come: the archives in 2011 (maybe), perhaps another tour of europe..? as i´ve said before: i´d see him anytime, ANYTIME. and if he did the horrible "everybody´s rockin´"-album in a basement, solo on a jew´s harp - i´d be there. happy, i guess. god bless you, neil. and us. or me, at least ;-)

cheers, thomas (old europe)

p.s. thrasher: could you post that as the comment of the mom(m)ent? i´d like neil to read that! thanks, cheers

At 12/28/2008 10:15:00 PM, Blogger art said...

I just listened to the entire recording of 12-15 at MSG, to and from work in my car, and boy Neil rocks hard. I liked the first listen at the show, but the second listen in the car gave me a little better appreciation. Perhaps this may also be true for some other folks.

At 12/29/2008 12:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil's new material is great, and ranks among my favorite classic albums such as "Everybody's Rockin'" and "Landing on Water." Having Pegi in the backing band is better than Jack Nietzche, Rusty Kershaw, and Nils Lofgren put together. The only thing that would be more exciting is if he got back together with, oh you guessed it, the International Harvesters. Although, I must say, I would truly miss Rick Rosas.

At 12/29/2008 01:29:00 AM, Anonymous expecting2fly said...

This song sounds like a re-write of the, "ahem", classic Dog House from 1988, possibly the worst song ever by Neil. Oh wait, this one's even worse...

I'm sure the concert was great but this song stinks.

Expecting To Fly

At 12/29/2008 04:25:00 PM, Anonymous thom said...

to the guy who´s sent me the e-mail: sorry, deleted it. just wanted to tell you - you´re a complete idiot. guess you know who you are.

cheers, thomas (

At 1/04/2009 11:54:00 PM, Blogger Doonerak said...

Reminds me of Ten Men Working. Bring back some of the Bluenotes. Every good car needs a good horn! (section).



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