Sunday, December 07, 2008

“There’ll Never Be Another Crazy Horse”, says Neil Young

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Neil Young is quoted as saying “There’ll never be another Crazy Horse”.

For many, this news comes like a bullet through the heart.

And the bombshells keep coming. No Archives release in January or February, either.

Instead, we're now getting -- wait for this -- the Crazy Horse & Booker T. and the MGs album "Toast" recorded in 2000. (Thanks ShittyHorse & BSM for correction. Toast tracks were re-recorded w/BTMG for AYP?, we think?)

Check out the full interview in Rolling Stone and come back and let us know what you think. No, what you really think.

Hold back the tears.
UPDATE: We're catching flack for this post. We took the headline and quote directly from the linked RS article. The quote is subject to interpretation and somewhat ambiguous. Read the full article and take from it what you will. Undoubtedly, there will only ever be one band that is CH, but will Neil ever play with them again? Who knows? As he says, "Maybe". Only time will tell. Are we being disingenuous? We think not.

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At 12/07/2008 11:29:00 AM, Anonymous The Horse has been spooked big time said...

I think i'll just have a good cry now. No more CH?!

Perish the thought.

At 12/07/2008 11:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think the Crazy Horse comment meant he was done with them. I thought he just meant that no one could ever replace them.

As for the Archives, they will never come out. Let's face the facts

At 12/07/2008 12:09:00 PM, Anonymous Shittyhorse said...

I agree...he didnt say there will never be another Crazy horse TOUR/ALBUM. He means he's not trying to be crazy horse now as no could be. He said "maybe" to working with them again....Neil has always goes back to crazy horse....
As for the anyone really shocked here? I know I'm not. Right now Amazon reads to be released Feb. 24. Thrasher...where did you hear not in Feb? The rollingstone interview? I'm not holding my breath on that either....I just hope he will just release the thing on CD too so us younger fans can afford it because lets face it how many of us under 30 can afford to drop $400. bucks on the archives in this economy...quote a friend of mine when I told him the archives will be out soon..."Yeah, but I'll have to take out a loan to buy it!"
Crazy Horse will never die! How many times has Neil said he'll "never work with them again"? I think he's just getting off on playing with some really versatile players.
Also I thought toast was recorded with just Crazy horse? I'm interested in hearing it...

At 12/07/2008 12:43:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“There’ll never be another Crazy Horse” means that there's only one Crazy Horse. And, as you know, that's his Crazy Horse.

Toast was recorded with Crazy Horse.
Booker T. and the MG's were not included in the recording session.
NY only re-recorded some songs that were written during the Toast sessions with Booker T. for the album "Are you passionate".

The Archives debate and expectations have allways been sensational.
The latest delay is a bit of a joke. Makes me, as a fan, feel uncomfortable.

The April/May dates for the Archives Vol. 1 release come from Uncut Magazine.

And last but not least: I don't mind if there never will be another Crazy Horse. They are from the past. A lot of songs recorded with Crazy Horse after their peak don't sound so good, allthough they are basically good songs.
NY has wasted a lot of good material on a band that ones was very good rusted tractor that did fit perfectly on a ranch.

At 12/07/2008 02:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there any other horse as crazy as Neil? No my friends, there is not! do you know when he will release the Archives? the day nobody will talk about them - and be sure he will release them for free!!!!! you can bet!!!

At 12/07/2008 03:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taken from UNCUT magazine here in the UK...

Neil Young has delayed the release of his expansive "The Archives Vol. 1" once again - but is releasing new material from his vaults instead.

"Archives", scheduled to be released on January 27 2009, has been put back until April or May next year, while "Toast", an album with Crazy Horse, will be released in its place.

Recorded seven years ago, the album, which will be released in 5.1 stereo, features some songs that made it on to 2001's "Are You Passionate?", including "Goin' Home", alongside unreleased work.

Speaking to Rolling Stone about the release, Young said: "It's a mind-blowing record, and I don't think it's a commercial record, but it's great rock and roll, very moody, kind of jazzy.

"It was recorded in the same place where Coltrane was recorded, so there's a lot of heavy stuff in there. All of the live ambience for everything was all recorded, so the whole thing has got a massive sound about it."

At 12/07/2008 03:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading the Interview makes me very sad. I've been a Neil Young Fan for over more than 30 years, but now...he's letting us, Fans, down.
Just face the facts. Since Greendale : no more CH, and now he is actually stating that his present Band is "The real Thing". "They can play anything". So the Horse isn't quite what he expects anymore. First to rest was Poncho (Greendale), then Billy Talbot was put aside (Chrome Dreams II Tour)),
and in the Summer Europe Tour, no more Ralph Molina.

And then,...the Archives. Is there still a real Fan believing they're coming ???
Sorry Neil, I've spent a lot of Money to follow you in Europe this Year (more dan 1.000 dollars), but it seems that we, Fans, are just good enough for this : making you richer and richer...

In stead of putting so much Effort in something we'll never see, in stead of dropping the Horse,...

Release Time Fades Away and Journey Through The Past.

Less Effort, less Costs and more Satisfaction for the true Fan.

At 12/07/2008 04:51:00 PM, Anonymous horsewifnoname said...

He did not say that he would never get together with Crazyhorse again, he said "maybe".... good enough for me. Remember how he and Poncho put Crazyhorse down during the Bluenotes? He went back.... no worries. Neil changes his mind all the time.
As for the Archives, I just don't give a rat's ass anymore if it comes out, how it comes out, what format it's in......

As we used to say in the Army... FTA, only now the A stand for Archives, eh?

At 12/07/2008 05:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know where some of this reverence for Crazy Horse is still coming from AD 2008, unless it's from Neil's own mystifying of them. They were a great band from 1969 through 1976 (the evidence is all out there), true. But ever since, I feel they got trapped in a sometimes funny (1978), sometimes just dull (1987, 1990) kind of Spinal Tap act with Neil. As a way of surviving, great, but as music?

At 12/07/2008 05:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as the Archives go, it says on SML they'll be released in february. Hopefully SML was pressed after the Rolling Stone interview. Let's hope so, they sure look great on the SML-trailer...

At 12/07/2008 05:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one of neils best ever albums, "sleeps with angels" was a horse album... and it was a new sounding horse and i loved it!

I'd love another classic horse album before they all call it day but I'm a neil fan so it doesn't matter which band he releases the music with... just be thankful your getting it at all!!

As for what I make of the rolling stone/uncut interview... surely its there will never be another band like crazy horse again, not that he will never play with the horse again... he left that very open ended.

At 12/07/2008 06:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil may decided to let the Horse run free at some point. But it is not completely up to Neil. Just cause he says run doesn't mean that Ralph, Billy and Frank will fall in line with the master.
It won't be that easy. It may happen, but Neil will need to reconcile with at least 1 of his bandmates.
That bandmate will need to answer his phone before that will happen. Without the glue there is no Crazy Horse.

As for the Archives........
Wadd evahh

At 12/07/2008 08:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thrasher, you are not being truthful here and are actually quite manipulating. neil says nothing about crazy horse being done. he says that there will never be a band like crazy horse and that it is a potential idea for the future. he says that he is concentrating on the electric band now, but crazy horse is always there for future projects at neil's pleasure. you're tagline was utterly ridiculous and untrue.
as for the archives. i think we're all gonna be a bit disappointed. i would much rather hear toast and the other unreleased albums. homegrown being the most anticipated.

At 12/08/2008 12:58:00 AM, Anonymous Roseclipt said...


At 12/08/2008 02:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TFA & FTA! That's all I have to say! B.S.M.

At 12/08/2008 05:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goddammit what's the fuck with this guy.
Crazy Horse is the best band, ever. The electric band is funny. I hope that's a another of your favorite jokes, sucker.
Come on.

At 12/08/2008 08:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps a consolation for all of you hardcore Crazy-Horse-Fans:
Earlier this year, Neil told a german guitar-magazine that especially Ponchos commitment working as a guitar tech for Kevin Eubanks made it hardly possible to work with Crazy Horse during the last years. Poncho wanted to have a more constant job to earn his living, not this on and off - thing he and CH had with Neil.
Neil also told that he (Poncho) has now retired from that job and because of this he might work with the now available Horse again.
We will see..

At 12/08/2008 03:25:00 PM, Anonymous bombshelter slim said...

What do I think? I think the biggest clue is the very first sentence: "This past October Neil Young sat down with Rolling Stone...". Seems like dated material to me, given NY's mercurial nature. ANY Neil fan has to take what he says with a grain of salt anyway, otherwise we'd be disappointed that he no longer ONLY plays country music, ONLY plays the blues, etc. (wonder why he never got into reggae??)
BTW, Warner still shows the archives (all 3 configs) as Feb.09 releases.

At 12/09/2008 08:04:00 AM, Anonymous rustygrumpy said...

I think most of the people here can't read!
From the RS interview:

"Will you tour again with Crazy Horse?

This means maybe yes or maybe no... we'll see...

I spoke to Neil and Elliot last summer in Florence, and they told me quite clearly there's something wrong going on in the "personal dynamics" between the guys in Crazy Horse. Neil told me face to face: "When they're ready, I'm ready".

I look forward to the glorious Toast album (I have a feeling this will be one of his best and groundbreaking album EVER)... and to the CH (or CSNY) tour that will follow next summer... (eheheheh)

At 12/09/2008 08:58:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've definitely gone off half cocked there TW.
"There'll never be another Crazy Horse" surely just means they're irreplaceable, not there'll never be another album or tour.
Personally I'm an optimist, and I've got my fingers crossed for a post-Toast CH tour. You never know...
TL in the UK


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