A Turning Point for Lincvolt

Judging from the most recent posting on the Lincvolt Blog, it would seem that Lincvolt may have reached more than just "a turning point" as the post is titled.
Well we're at a turning point now. Time has passed and things have changed. We've done lots of things, tried many ideas. Some even seemed to succeed, like natural gas as a fuel.
We'll let others judge just what Johnny Magic and the Lincvolt crew are up to now.
It's hard to say whether this is just another fork in the road for the star crossed project or something more profound. Last year, Neil Young pulled the plug on the X-Prize competition in order to focus on achieving the project's goals.
Then Neil began to auction his Harley motorcycle, guitars and cars on eBay to raise funds for the LV project.
Now we seem to have a fundamental question about the project's technical direction.
"There's a fork in the road ahead
I don't which way I'm gonna turn
There's a fork in the road ahead"