Thursday, February 18, 2010

Archives Comment of the Moment: A Journey Through The Past

Some of you may recall last year we posted a few videos of folks opening their Neil Young Archives boxes for the holidays. We had a pretty amusing one from SONY who comments on his thoughts on NYA on the Commentary Open Thread:
A few archive thoughts:

The 'credit card' for the download that comes with the BD set was a great treat for me. I downloaded the whole thing to a hardrive and made CD copies out of 'em, copied the artwork from the BD sleeves and now have a traveling set. An extra bonus for me as I don't listen off the computer too much or an ipod. Next step is to make CD's of just the previously unreleased stuff. I'm 'up' on that download.

Haven't got the "setup" setup for the internet BD update downloads yet. Have heard some bitchin' on that. When I get there I get there, no a big deal to me.

A review of the 'book with no name' shows a tremendous number of 'cuts' that are not included in the archives. Some have already been released on other issued LP's CD's etc. Some may not be listenable from the acetates, who knows. BUT, the possibility that they might be released via the BD downloads later gives me hope that the extra money spent will bring returns down the road.

Journey Through The Past took me by complete surprise for sure. The crazy cover with the hooded horsemen disguised the contents of the film, at least to me as I had never seen it. That is a treat in and of itself. The Fillmore show...the complete ticket, especially Cowgirl in the Sand - took me to a whole other planet. I had not heard that before as I didn't buy the CD when released.

And the other kicker..I haven't even watched/listened to the whole thing yet after 6 weeks in tow. I treat it as a vacation I'm on that I don't want to end, gonna get a few more days out of it before I fly back to reality.

I would think that as long as the additional volume sets keep coming, it can only get better as the technology has grown since the early days and probably Neil's dedication to the historical aspects of his career. Full concerts, road trips, interviews, anything like that is probably a gold mine in waiting up in the old barn.

........and away we go!.........

Thanks SONY!

More Archives Commentary.

ps - No, we don't know when the next BD download will be. But checking our widget in the right sidebar, the next full moon will be Feb. 28.

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At 2/19/2010 06:57:00 AM, Blogger doc said...

Probably not exactly the most appropriate post to say this...but it is A journey through the past for me.

Early in the month, Thrash put forward a topic that was probably my most enjoyable post to read for a while.."Understanding Neil's Music"

On this post, there were comments made from many old and new Wheaties,
reflecting and reminissing on growing up with Neil and those songs of Neil's that meant so much to them for whatever reason.

I was somewhat amused and relieved to find that many wheatie's spouses,partners and girlfriends did not exactly have that same passion for Neil as they did....They just didn't "get Neil".

Yep, I too am one of those misunderstood soles whose passion for anything Neil is not quite reciprocated by my other half..tolerated Yes..but not reciprocated.

Something beautiful happened in my life today and I'd like you to share my joy.

For the last 2 months I have had the CD "Dreamin Man" sitting in her car's CD player and, whenever we had gone out together, I'd promptly put it into rotation for the journey..Yep and you guessed it..across came the prompt reply.... "NOT NEIL AGAIN"! and I'd look at her lovingly for approval, and drive off.

Well this morning I got in her car to drive off with her.I hadn't been with her in the car for a week or so.

As we drove off ,she reached across to the car CD and pushed the button and said.."Hon, listen to this, I love it"...Well to my bewildered joy, Neil's "You and Me" blared out of those speakers...and with a loving smile she looked at me and said....


I nearly cried with joy...Our marriage had finally been consummated by Neil.

I'll treasure this moment forever! lol


At 2/19/2010 07:35:00 AM, Anonymous Liza said...

How great, Doc, thank's for sharing this beautiful moment....

Love, Liza

At 2/19/2010 01:00:00 PM, Anonymous SONY said...


I think Huey Lewis & the News sang about the "Power of Love". Of course, I'm figuring it wasn't about the power of Neil's music he was singing the praises of.

Now I wonder could it be?

I nearly cried reading your story.

I call my red-headed wife my Cinnamon Girl anyway, and now you have one of your own. THAT'S what it's all about!

Sometimes the beauty of love just comes ringing through.

At 2/19/2010 02:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The above three comments are the
best comments I have ever read on
this site.
True love conquers all.

At 2/20/2010 12:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Man said...

Sugar Mountain being released on vinyl next month! YAY! Finally!

Archives Guy, any news or surprises?


PS DOC you are awesome bro!

At 2/20/2010 01:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when is the next bluRay Live?

is it true Neil has abandoned the format? saw that rumor on Rust List.

At 2/21/2010 07:38:00 AM, Blogger yourisaforever said...

Doc, thanks for your story, I enjoy your posts!(I loved that one about prescribing Neil to your patients because of his healing effects) I was as well "somewhat amused and relieved" about not every partner etc share the passion about Neil (I commented it to my husband and he felt like that too! as he is the one who "just tolerates", even if I must say he travelled abroad to a concert just to please me and had fun) I had to smile at that scene "Not Neil Again" specially in the car...but then when he is away (for longer, he's a seaman)and calls me home he often puts Neil in the background (often Harvest Moon)and says ¿can you hear it?...

At 2/21/2010 07:52:00 AM, Blogger yourisaforever said...

PS.: Congratulations DOC, lucky you! I have to admit that I tend to overdose with I can't complain!

At 2/21/2010 09:16:00 AM, Blogger doc said...

Wow, you cannot imagine how I feel at the moment!..

Thankyou for your kind words of be excepted by your fellow wheaties is like the feeling I get when I see a sick child under my care, smile in appreciation after recovering from a major op.

The wheat is my release from the highs and lows that I can experience in the course of a busy day.

I visit the wheat because I love the comeraderie and banter, the stories and opinions, the diversity of comment that you guys project.

I know some of my comments and poems are not everyone's "cup of tea" and I fully concur with Thrash (sometimes) to

My comments however, are always spontaneous and never meant to offend or embarrass.

This I'm afraid, IS my personality so if you get a chuckle out of something I have said in jest, thats fine.

Seems like I'm more accepted when my comments come from the heart.
I can really relate to a lot of your stories and as I have said on numerous times before, I luv this site and the Neil interaction it creates between us... his fans.

Keep on bloggin in the T world!

luv doc


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