Monday, February 08, 2010


Neil Young - Boston circa 1971
Photo by Elliot Blinder on SAN FRANCISCO ART EXCHANGE

Due to conditions here at Thrasher's Wheat International Headquarters, we are now operating in Winterlong mode until further notice.

Now back to our regularly scheduled gonzo, guerilla bloggin'....

"Winterlong" by Neil Young, Leipzig Arena, 8 July 2008.

Thanks Harry O. and Purple Words on a Grey Background!

Painting by Eric Johnson

Lyrics to WINTERLONG by Neil Young

I waited for you, Winterlong
You seem to be where I belong.
It's all illusion anyway.

If things should ever turn out wrong
And all the love we have is gone,
It won't be easy on that day.

Waiting to follow
Through the dreamlight of your way
Is not so easy for me now.

Half the time has passed away
Things we thought of yesterday
Come back now, come back now.

Waiting to follow
Through the dreamlight of your way
Is not so easy for me now.

Half the time has passed away
Things we thought of yesterday
Come back now, come back now.

I waited for you Winterlong
You seem to be where I belong.

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At 2/08/2010 12:20:00 PM, Blogger Homesick in Paradise said...

Hi Thrasher, thanks for the note. Where are you based?

At 2/08/2010 12:30:00 PM, Anonymous SONY said...

Quite appropriate for your circumstances Thrasher. Here in NY we generally "dig it" when the storms come. Brings some peaceful quiet sometimes. You seem to be where I belong..............

At 2/08/2010 12:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Thrashers are near the White House somewheres.

OTOH, I'm out in Maryland and every house is a white. About 3 feet deep too.

Burn off all the fog
And let the sun through to the snow
Let me see your face again
Before I have to go.

lookout jose

At 2/08/2010 02:14:00 PM, Anonymous Liza said...

Hi Thrasher and Thrashette,
I thought about you a couple of times when I saw the news about the snowstorm. Hope everything will soon be back to normal for you and your family.

Love, Liza

At 2/08/2010 05:52:00 PM, Anonymous Mother Nature on the Run said...

Brace yourself and your loved ones. We're in for some real humdinger arctic winds ...

At 2/08/2010 06:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I`ve been watching the news and wondering about Thrasher and the Thrasher household, as well as everyone else snowed in by "snowmaggedon".

Good luck!

Love the choice of song Thrasher!

Luv and good wishes from the UK, Jill

At 2/08/2010 09:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and we (Md/DC/Va) are gonna get hit again...and I just got my car out today...F**K !!!


At 2/08/2010 11:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the great neil photo, i believe that is from 1970.

At 2/09/2010 01:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Winterlong moment, Thrasher. We're having a "Weenie Winter" here in T.O. I know that's far from the case where you live. Happy shovelling and keep warm!

At 2/09/2010 06:40:00 AM, Blogger doc said...

I love the lyrics to 'Winterlong'..

From Neil's "Young romantic period"

Aspiring music lyricists take note!

Simple, emotive but so heartfelt!

Neil the total "artist"...

His songs are his canvas...

His words are his brush.


At 2/09/2010 09:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty cold in Europe too and has been since before Christmas...

Does anyone know why the NY & Crazy Horse studio version of Winterlong isn't in the Archives set?

At 2/09/2010 11:14:00 AM, Anonymous ukstevo1971 said...

And talking of the Archives - where was the 'nugget' promised us by Archives Guy prior to Xmas? It still hasnt surfaced as a BD live download yet? Anyone? And anything on the 2nd box -

Good luck digging yourself out Thrasher - I remember Tom Waits once telling a story about when Hank Snow took Johnny Cash's wife June Carter and it's the first time Johnny had seen 'six inches of snow in June'!!

At 2/09/2010 11:28:00 AM, Blogger Thrasher said...

Thanks ukstevo1971. Appreciate it.

On the NYA BD, I'd just say folks should give the whole thing a rest.

Please remember the recent loss of L.A. -- the heart & soul of Shakey pix & the Shakey Platform.

It's going to take time for the SP crew to re-group. So chill.

Now back to shoveling snow on servers to keep cool...

At 2/09/2010 02:11:00 PM, Anonymous SONY said...

I have only one word for cabin fever ---

Cowgirl in the Sand 3-7-70
Fillmore East


(gotta get down to it - WOW)

At 2/09/2010 02:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I did was ask whether anyone knew why the NY & CH studio version of Winterlong wasn't included on the Archives set. I wasn't criticising the the BD-Live downloads at all.

At 2/09/2010 03:06:00 PM, Blogger Thrasher said...

Thanks. It wasn't taken as criticism either.


At 2/09/2010 04:42:00 PM, Anonymous Chicken Little - Not! said...

Looks like goold ol' Neil and his Lincvolt have saved the planet from the catastrophe of global warming then? LMAO... :-)

At 2/09/2010 06:43:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way folks, I was browsing on Amazon earlier and came across a Neil Young DVD to be released on 12th April called "A Tapestry".

Anyone know anything about it?


At 2/09/2010 07:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jill, I didn't see what you saw; but I saw a discontinued IMPORT CD LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO...which leads to this: why not release the RUSTED OUT GARAGE closed circuit show on DVD? not that I could afford it right now, but still...

At 2/09/2010 09:40:00 PM, Blogger Crris said...

"Winterlong" sure is one of Neil's most beautiful yearning songs. Not sure what it is about this one that pulls one so. Anyway, analysis is for the foolhardy.

At 2/09/2010 10:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..Portage and Main FIFTY BELOW!

We stayed inside and Rock and Rolled!"

At 2/09/2010 10:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"let me tell ya 'bout a thing called snow where it's 45 below"--Neil, as quoted by Stills...

"I've had enuff of this white stuff...just get me to Spring, I'll dance and sing"--me, just now...


At 2/10/2010 01:41:00 AM, Anonymous ShittyHorse said...

Up in New England we're bracing for the blizzard for the century- I love it! I love the air, the scenery, it's peaceful and beautiful. I got nowhere to be except cozy by the wood stove with my family! Bring on the snow!

Besides tending to my newborn I've been waist deep in my vinyl collection- organizing and cataloging and I really realize how great those big black discs are! They sound so good- the way music is meant to be. GOD, how do Cd's and MP3s pass nowadays? Of course I'd take a CD over an MP3 any day but there truly is NOTHING like enjoying On the Beach or Ragged Glory on Vinyl! Oh and the three NYA ORS discs sound out of this world- if you do not own one, invest in a turntable. Its the most satisfying hobby a music lover could have (next to seeing live performances)I just love it- You have to work for it, but its more satisfying that way- going to record stores, thrift shops,flea markets, tag sales and finding a gem from your favorite Artist for a buck or two. Taking it home, cleaning it up and putting it under the stylus...and enjoying it.
Sorry for the discourse on vinyl but parents teach your children well- Sound Matters!

Cant wait for Dreamin' Man on vinyl
Enjoy the snow

At 2/10/2010 06:51:00 AM, Anonymous Mr Henry said...

In the Spring
the grass grows by itself
Suzuki Roshi

Wow, what a strange and interesting Winter it's turning out to be! Two blizzards in DC and the South; meanwhile they are trucking in the snow to Vancouver.

I have a place way up in the mountains in the Northeast. First half of Winter was usual, sometimes severe, with lots of early snow and very cold at times. Then three inches of rain a couple weeks ago, which washed away half the snow and then froze on top. Ruined all the great natural snow cover.

Hope you're all safe and enjoy Mother Nature's show. Especially the folks in the DC area...I had family there growing up (NW section) and remember a couple times being there with just an inch or two of snow causing much concern. But it sure was fun to go to the Zoo and walk the Mall with Cherry Blossoms out and snow coming down!

The world is turning
I hope it don't turn away
On the Beach

At 2/10/2010 09:52:00 AM, Anonymous jon said...

here's wilco covering broken arrow at a recent gig:

At 2/10/2010 04:05:00 PM, Blogger doc said...

Jon,probably posted under wrong topic... coz its a classic case of, "Understanding Neil's music"

I think Wilco nailed that song..right down to those little twists and turns and fare music

Great rendition..would like to see these guys live down under..while waiting for Neil to come back of course!!


At 2/10/2010 06:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wilco are in NZ and Oz end of April early May. A great live band. Go seek 'em out. Ask Tweedy to get back over to here to the UK and if you could make the same request of Mr Young - ah, what a summer that could be!


At 2/10/2010 06:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Doc,

Forgot to add - details of those shows on


At 2/10/2010 09:39:00 PM, Blogger Shadow said...

I agree with shittyhorse about records . I still have my old ATGR and Harvest from when i was a teen and my old Buffalo Springfield album with all the members likes and dislike info on back . I still remember sitting with my friend Ron reading ours the day we bought them and learning thier names. We had a little band wanted to learn FWIW and i wanted to play " DO i have to come right out and tell you" The old records have a warmth to them cds and MP3s just dont have . We worked then for our music but it stayed that way a lifelong passion for it .

At 2/11/2010 12:14:00 AM, Anonymous SONY said...

Hey Thrash - I'm sure you are more than knee deep in the hoopla by now and maybe hoping to never see another winter storm. But I fear you will look back and smile over all this interuption of,for and from nature. I can recall several shut ins, shut downs and shut outs in my day due to old mother nature on the run dropping her heavy load on my town and my life. My kids used to ask when we could 'camp' on the back porch where our Y2K gas fireplace was installed and came in very handy during the power outages. Gas water heaters gave way to warm showers, gas grills and camp stoves gave way to hot coffee and plenty of hamburgs and hot dogs and steaks and anything else in the defrosting freezer. I can recall a double 2 foot, 3 day event a couple years back in which my neighbors daughter was born, and even more recent the 7 feet of sultry white which descended on the high plains of the city of Buffalo between Chritmas and New Years day. The fresh falling and piling snow reveals a new and fresh and clean landscape when viewed through fresh eyes and hearts. A gift of wonder to understand and open all the way. I know too well also, the sore muscles of shovel, the sweat beneath the overcoat and hat, and hopefully a hot cup of joe and sweet smile of love from across the room or out the window. Hang in there man. We're all rooting for ya!

At 2/11/2010 12:25:00 AM, Anonymous Mr Henry said...

Ou sont les neige d'anjour?
Francois Villon

Sam Cooke singing Jesus Gave Me Water...I could die hearing this.

The winds are truly howling outside my door. My best friend is sleeping on my couch...I was out playing with him in the snowy, snowy yard. My boy is far, far away but he surely is coming home soon.

Dogs barking nearby. Winds still blowing. Relentless lights shining on the life and times. Time to put some more music on.

Ian on the stereo singing Sea Diver: "Oh Lord, I wish I could escape this iron veil"


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