For The Turnstiles Yet Again

Back in 2008, there was some rather heated arguing over ticket prices for Neil Young in concert that prompted an open letter from a fan.
Last time this happened, we thought everything on the subject of for the turnstiles had been exhausted. There were passionate debates and discussion of when art and commerce worlds collide.
And it was all rather sad in a way.
So -- once again -- deja vu and an absolutely giant bitch session over tickets prices for Neil Young's Twisted Road tour.
Looking backwards in order to look forward, here's where we came down on the subject. It was this comment from Shakey in Canada:
Wow! Neil has stirred up hornet's nest in the past because of his political point of view, but never over ticket prices. Who knows, maybe he's paying off the medical bills from his brain surgery, I'm sure they didn't give him a discount to save his life. Or just maybe they had him sign a few autographs and that should suffice.
How about we celebrate the fact that we can bitch about the price of admission instead of the price of Neil's commemorative release because his surgery wasn't successful.
This will be only the second chance in my life to be able to see Neil in concert, and I've been a fan of his since the age of 10 and I'm 46 now. This will also be the last chance I get to see my musical hero, the man who's music gave me the will to learn to play guitar, and show my 10 nieces and nephews what real music was during thier formative teenage years, or playing Niel tunes through headphones placed on my wife's pregnant belly for our two kids.
I'm being taken to this concert by two of my nieces, a 3 hr drive from Saskatoon to Regina, because I'm legally blind and crippled up from a rare decease called Devics Syndrome, not because they feel sorry for me, but because they know how important this concert means to me.
Next time he comes around I won't be able to go see my hero.
If his music means as much to you, as it does to me, you'll find the money and you know the concert will be worth every penny. If his music doesn't mean that much to you, don't go, it's that simple. I don't want you there anyway, I want to be there with all the other Neil fans who are there who love the man's music and are going for a good time.
Very little in today's world that's worth anything isn't free.
I heard back from "Shakey in Canada" after seeing Neil in concert and he let me know what he thought of that evening. It was something to the effect he wanted to replay those memories when he goes down for the count.
I'm not sure how "Shakey in Canada" is doing these days. Hopefully, he's not reading this yet again.
I know it would break his heart.